If you ask a Mom for cereal…

Slacker... But not really... I have been so busy that the blog took a backseat to literally everything else. I made it a point to do it today, so I can make sure it is done and that I actually do it. Then I can cross it off the literal list.

I celebrated my 41st birthday this past Friday. 40 seemed like nothing but I find it weird to say I am 41. I feel like I should have more of life figured out by now, but I am still waiting for a user's manual on how to adult and parent. I worked that day until 2:00, my bestie brought me lunch, went home to flowers, cake, chocolate-covered strawberries that Ryan made and family came over until we had to leave for baseball/softball games. It was rushed and hectic and fabulous and nothing out of our ordinary. The twins game ended in a win, one of the best games they played all season. I came home, put pajamas on and grabbed the laptop and my glasses to finish an assignment that was due. What a crazy night! Lol. I ALSO woke up the next morning around 5:10 and put in a full day working at the annual Titan golf scramble, went to a baseball game and then took the kids swimming for the evening. I CRASHED when I got home. Yesterday, I had to reset some, but still had to be a Mom and do all the things. I am exhausted and we have baseball again tonight and tomorrow and depending on the results will determine when/if we play again. I am whooped.

I am finally getting into a groove with school, I think. I have an A in one class and a B in another. The class A class always has so much work involved each week, but because there is so much, it is easier to maintain an A than the other class, who only has two assignments each week. I am hoping to maintain these grades through the rest of the course, only 20 more days left! Next class starts 7/1 and I only have 1, which will help keep a balance while I am on vacation and wanting to take it as easy as possible. YSU is significantly more difficult than EGCC was. Some days, I wonder if I can do it. Others, I know I now only have 6 more months until I graduate with an Associate's degree and I know that I can do it. Gotta keep on keepin' on.

When I finally did get out of bed yesterday morning, I had only the intentions to go to the bathroom and get a drink, walking right back to bed. Sheamus asked me if I could get him a bowl of cereal. I looked around and realized I needed to clear off space on the bar for him to sit. As I did this, I knew I had to get a washcloth and spray Dawn Platinum on it to wipe it off as well. After I did this, I saw that we only had big spoons clean, so I had to get him a small spoon. I grabbed the milk and saw that there was a spill/leak in the fridge so I cleaned that off. I put the bowl of cereal down for him and Braxton yells that he would like Cinnamon toast. I grab the bag of bread, where there is only one piece left. I put it in the toaster and then head downstairs to get another loaf from the freezer. There weren't any, so I had to go back upstairs and start a grocery list. That's when I started walking around the house to see if there is anything else we need. I hear the toast pop, go to put a paper towel down to butter his bread and the paper towel sticks to it from the boys eating and cutting freeze pops. I wipe THAT counter down, making sure to move and clean under that. I Boop his toast, now on a plate, who THEN asks for milk. I get that. Cue Magnus, who wants cereal but not sure what. After 5 minutes downstairs, he returns with a full new box of Frosted Flakes and he would like that. I had to get another small spoon and wash it. He didn't want to sit at the bar, he wanted to sit at the table. That was messy from eating and running from the night before so I wiped down the spot for him and got him all set up. Sheamus was done by now, put his bowl in the sink. I go in and grab Boop's plate and see the blankets and pillow strewn about from the night before, so I tidy up the living room and fix all the pillows, fold blankets, and straighten the cushions. I find clothes on clothes that they must have taken off and thrown in the air, seeing where they landed and nodding in satisfaction. Empty water bottles, half drank mini cans of sprite, empty bags of all of the chips that we had. Everywhere. So I gather all of that and throw it away, gather the clothes and throw them down to the laundry room. Clean up shoes and try to make the living and dining room somewhat presentable, in the off chance that someone shows up unexpected. Magnus was done, so I cleaned up after him. I made a cup of tea, realizing that I was pretty much up for the day. All I wanted was to pee and a little Diet Coke. In my head I thought, "If you ask a Mom for cereal..." Nothing short of a half hour later, I finally get to go lay back in bed to relax, but not for long. I needed a bath, I needed to gather laundry, Braxton needed to get to practice by noon and my cousin was coming over to play with the boys. No rest for the wicked. 

I don't really have a person of the week. When my cousin brought his nephew, my second cousin, over to play with the boys, we sat on the porch and talked. I never really thought about our age difference because he is such an old soul. So responsible, level headed and chill as can be. We are 13 years apart and he is figuring out life way younger than I ever did. 4 hours later, he left, but only because we both had laundry to do and we could've talked for 4 more hours and never get anything done. He genuinely loves to be around our side of the family, and loves the holidays for that reason. He makes me want to host family gatherings every weekend. He is kind and generous and life has NOT been kind to him. I told him that he could be a complete asshole and we couldn't ever blame him. He is the baby of 3, parents had a volatile marriage and addiction was in home. He ended up being raised by his Dad after their divorce, his aunt on his Dad's side being a social worker made sure he and his brother never fell through the cracks and stepped in the Mother role when my aunt couldn't. He is a true example of overcoming the life you were brought in to, and facing adversity with determination and grit. I want to be like him when I grow up. He makes me so proud. And I'll bet he was even taught to clean off the pee on the seat! 


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