2 degrees, who dis?

I saw a Tiktok or Reel the other day that said "Is it just me or does anyone else keep telling themselves 'we just have to get through these next couple of weeks and things should ease up a bit' but you've been telling yourself that for the last two years with no end in sight? Or is it just me?" and I feel like that is just a small glimpse into our lives. Lol. Our schedule is jam packed with activities and school starting, and do not get me started on the financial side of life and the "it's always something" doom cloud that makes it near impossible to stay afloat. 

August 21st is the first day of school... The first day of Dryden's senior year. I keep waiting for Newbrough photo to share his Senior banner picture on their website so I can obsess over it and ogle at the fact that he was 2 when his Dad and I got together, and he is now entering his Senior year. He has grown so much, as a person, as an athlete and as a young man. He has his father's humor, sometimes too much for my liking, lol, but he makes things not so serious at times and I am grateful for that. He has taught me so much, as a step-parent and the patience and love that comes with the role. He and Logan have built a relationship that I never saw coming, accepting each other for the absolute OPPOSITES that they are and building a brotherhood on it. As sad as I am to see them all grow and become independent, I am also elated to see where life takes them. To a great Senior year, my Drydie. 

Logan will start HVAC school at the New Castle School of Trade satellite offices in East Liverpool at the end of September. It is a 50-week program that I am confident he will slay, and from there he can join the workforce. We have a few leads for employment after and he is really anxious to get started. He applies at Walmart DC to work the shifts opposite of his schedule, so we are crossing our fingers for a call back. 

Braxton will officially be middle school age/grade, going into 7th grade. He is playing Pony Fall baseball and his last year of Titan football (rather than Middle school) and will be officially done with football. His love for basketball deepened this past season and he loves it more than the rest. I cannot wait to see him play this Winter on an official Red Knight team. He had a bit of a rough year in 6th grade, so we are hopeful that this year will be much better. 

Lastly, the twins are going into 4th grade. THAT is hard to wrap my head around. They are in the same class this year, again, but with less friends. It seems that they spread them all out among the teachers, which THEY aren't happy about, but I am ok with. It will teach them to grow as humans and get to know others that are outside of their normal friend circle. It's not the worst thing to happen, and they will still have each other if they feel like they need a companion. They are both playing fall baseball and Sheamus Titans football while Magnus is playing with wrestlers and claiming to be the water boy (that actually doesn't give any water or even go on the field much). I have no doubt that they will grow and have great years, just as they did last year. We loved their teacher last year, so this year's teacher has big shoes to fill. 

Weekdays are for school and practices, Saturdays for baseball games and Sundays for football games. Every day is filled with something. I have a slight break from classes until Monday 8/26, where I start 2 accelerated 7-week classes and 1 normal 16-week class. The second accelerated class will begin mid-October and go through mid-December, where I will GRADUATE with my Associate's degree. So, 3 classes for the first 7 weeks, 2 classes for the second half, but one of them being the same class for the entire semester, If that makes sense. I have decided that I will continue on for my Bachelor's degree and start that journey in Spring 2025. I know myself too well, that if I took a break, I wouldn't start back up. Another great draw is that, as long as I continue my education with no breaks, I will continue to get the reduced rates as an EGCC transfer while attending YSU, which cuts tuition costs by about half. I am very fortunate to qualify for a lot of financial aid and grants, so nothing is coming out of pocket for the 2024-2025 school year. That is SUCH a blessing. Less than a year from now, the plan is to have two degrees under my belt. Who knows? Maybe I will continue on to major is something else? I love learning and am willing to do whatever needed to help aid in my current position and those around me. Who knows. I have awhile to decide. For now, life goes on, I stay the course of crazy and busy, I hope to plan meals to make life a little easier, and I consistently have to clean pee on the seat. 


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