A helicopter ride and 82° in this house

I have to write this on my phone rather than the computer and it’s annoying me. I would much rather type on a computer keyboard than text a whole story. Bah. Oh well. 
Life is calming down, and it’s nice to be able to make dinner, do laundry, complete projects in the house, etc. we start back up middle of July with All Star tournaments, vacation and football starting one after the other. I’m officially done with one class and have to finish another on Saturday. Then I only have one more before the Fall. It’s going so fast! I keep thinking that I can’t believe we are almost in July, and December will be here before I know it. That weekend will be amazing… JT comes to Pittsburgh that Saturday and I graduate from college the next day. It’ll be wild to think I’m graduating from college! At 41. And I’m going for sure. What a feat. And I’m going on and getting my Bachelors. Who knows, maybe I won’t stop there? Super grateful for my mans for plugging along with me and talking me down when I start to panic at times. He’s a gem. ๐Ÿ’Ž❤️
Our air conditioning went out last weekend… oh dear god, the nightmare. I’m not an air conditioner girly; I can live with open windows and ceiling fans. But when we don’t have any air movement because only the bedrooms have fans, LORD it got hot. ๐Ÿฅต I believe the highest in the house was 82° with it being 95° outside. It felt like it took forever to cool down once it was fixed, but it is now working and all is right in our first world problems. It honestly was so hot out that the boys didn’t go out to swim until the evening, if at all. We were going to go to the In laws to cool off but THEIRs went out too! Lol. Their cat chewed a wire. Our switch just needed cleaning. lol. And our handyman (Jim) is down for the count with a partially torn Achilles so he can only coach us through. It’s driving him crazy, but he will be back to doing all the things before he knows it. 
Sunday we went to my brothers to see his SILs from Florida. It was a nice distraction from the date, because it was 9 years to the day that Magnus took his special helicopter ride. I always feel like I have to keep an extra eye on him on that particular day, since he had break through seizures a year to the day after His first ever on June 23. After being admitted for a be couple of days to children’s hospital and getting his medication stabilized, he had one the following August, and then not again until the following June. Exactly A year later. He hasn’t had an active seizure since then, because we keep his medication dosing level with his weight, and he takes it regularly. He does have activity when he sleeps, but only noted on an EEG. We’ve learned that it’s a part of his genetic makeup, and it is who he is. We could try to wean him off of the meds and see what he does, but I’m ok with him taking it for the rest of his life, as long as he stays happy, mostly healthy, and on the path he is for life. He is truly a blessing to us. God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave him to us. He is the best brother, the best friend, with the best dimples and loves so big. He brought me donuts this morning, thinks of others every time he goes to the store, and gives the best compliments when he’s in the mood. His brothers all love him in different ways and will always protect him, and for that, we are blessed. We may struggle with everything else in life, and have things thrown at us on the regular, but we are blessed, loved and happy. Our kids love to be home with us and they love us, even when they hate us. 
I’m excited to make our list for vacation. It’s been a while since we went away, and this vacation we will get to relax and enjoy the time with the boys. All the suits, the hats and the towels… the rest will fall into place. ๐Ÿ˜Œ 
These dogs (toes) need pedi’d before I go. And  the actual dog needs groomed. The house needs deep cleaned. And the pee on the seat…https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1AL-RdMzw9u0mTUp7gXJHL0jxxdyqv1_Shttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1OkboM1CEReMab86ciyL1ucmlhvduy-xdhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1s983s0ixoKTXHDKPs_5UPCkQElDruQunhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1wlKW6cNZvaTWqQFgQfbZhDYPBrzVVa0lhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T8KDpHZgDiS6mcWFiKbeB_Vch-4Vf6XT 


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