Wait, there's more...


This week has tested me in so many ways, I can't even think straight. I keep saying that my brain hurts, and it truly does. Every day this week has been a challenge and I cannot wait for it to be over. I can truly say that I can navigate things pretty well, but this week has been the hardest I've had in a long time. 

I am currently trying to figure out HOW I am going to get my quizzes done. This week is the last of EGCC spring semester, with 5 different assignments due before Sunday. In addition, I have multiple things to Review with YSU, 4 modules to watch, in completion, resulting in certificates, two assignments per class and 4 class Discussion posts total with a MINIMUM of 3 responses PER POST to our peers. Add in this week being super busy at work and 4 baseball games this week and I can't think about anything else. I am so afraid I am going to miss something, miss an assignment or a deadline and won't be able to make it up. It did NOT help that one of my Professors welcomed the class with a warning on how involved it is, that his class isn't for busy people with full-time jobs or that will take a vacation since it is a summer course and is only 7 weeks long. Thankfully his class will be over before vacation but LORD he put the fear of Jesus in me. I feel like I have been on the verge of a breakdown and finding the balance isn't coming easy right now. Add in the our ChromeBook doesn't support the testing software that YSU uses, so I am scrounging trying to find a laptop, hoping to figure something out between now and Sunday when I have to take my tests. And THAT's another thing... tests aren't released until midnight on Saturday's, giving you 24 hours to take it. I am home, with my kids, every Sunday morning. Peace and quiet do NOT come easy. Jesus take the wheel!

I am at a point right now where I want to shut myself off to every other commitment I have until I can get a handle on everything. I remember feeling overwhelmed when starting at EGCC but I don't remember it being THIS overwhelming. I am truly hoping that it is just the timing of everything, the overlap of one week with another, the uncertainty of my grades IN those two classes and feeling like I need reassurance in some way that I am doing the right things with the new classes. I went from thinking I was having a summer off and a clearer mind to feeling like I have the world on me. Bro... my belly hurts, I'm completed drained, I have no idea what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis. AHHHHH!!!!!! 

I don't have a person of the week this week. Instead I will share a funny story... The twins were eating breakfast one morning last week and were asking about our schedule over the following few days. Magnus asked if we could do something, I can't remember what, on Sunday. I said "No, it's Mother's Day" to which he replied "Oh yea, thath right, we haffa be nithe to you that day." I laughed and said "Yea! And every other day too!" Me and Sheamus looked at each other and were like WTH! Lol. He was super mad at me Sunday because I said no to his friend coming over. Ryan worked until noon that day, needing to sleep after,  so I didn't get much of a break, which is par for the course to begin the week. One of these days things will get easier, my mind won't feel jumbled, I won't be thriving on chaos, I will be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, and the house will stay clean. And maybe then, there won't be pee on the seat. 

Whatever you do... religiously, spiritually, good vibes, I could use them. Thanks for being my ear for the week. https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1DiO11n9eoRrQhiAFFaldu5mGPsI-S2Y-


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