I have such ADD today, I feel like the slightest thing is making me "SQUIRREL". My mind is going 100 MPH and I can't seem to focus on one thing. Putting on my true crime podcast and blogging seems to help reel me in. Hopefully all of these thoughts come out right. Lol. 

    Next week is my last week of EGCC classes, but my first week of YSU classes. I finally met with someone Monday regarding scheduling and I now have a game plan for the rest of my degree, as well as my Bachelor's if I should choose to do so. So that is a relief. Next week, however, will be a rough one. I emailed my current Professors to try and have them release the assignments due for next week a little early to help aid in the transition. One was completely fine doing it, to which I am very grateful. The other refused, as they "Have a schedule to follow". What is EGCC going to do, fire you? Bah. Whatever. So, here's to a smooth week next week, academically. 

    Yesterday, I dropped Boop off at school to send him off to 6th grade camp until Friday. Ryan is NOT ok with him being away so long. He asked multiple times last night if we thought the counselors would notice if he drive out and picked him up for a bit or if he could get him for the night and take him back. He asked Magnus his thoughts as well and Magnus finally looked at him sternly and said "Dad! We can't!" Ryan asked him why.. "I NOT KNOW, BUT WE CAN'T!" Haha. He even had his hand up in the I don't know position; very serious and probably annoyed that Ryan kept asking. I received a couple pictures of him climbing a rock wall today, so I know he is having fun. I can't wait to hear all about it. Anyway, after dropping him off at the school, we took of to Elkins, WV to bring my oldest baby HOME FOR THE SUMMER!!! It was a smooth ride there and back, he was still in bed when I arrived but perked up when he heard Mama's voice yelling for him in his window. We got him packed up and out of the dorm in one hour, which is now a record to beat. We left the house at 8:10 yesterday morning and pulled back in at 4:00. We unloaded ALLLLL of the things, my dining room and kitchen are a train wreck, but I had to head down to the Knight Complex for Senior Baseball night to pass out the Senior gifts. Magnus, of course, wanted to come with me to help hand them out, Sheamus stayed chilling on the porch. We get home about an hour later because we can't go anywhere without talking to someone and Magnus HAD to play ball with the kids for a bit. Sheamus fell asleep to the sounds of his older brothers mowing and weed whacking, on the front porch glider, so peaceful. I was jealous, honestly. Haha. Ryan woke up in the meantime and we continued to clean and try to arrange things. The laundry... oh, the laundry. Ryan works all weekend and we only have one game, so I plan to tackle it all this weekend. Here's hoping! 

    This brings me to my person of the week. I was going to save this week for my mom, being that it IS Mother's Day week, but I also felt it important to call out this person because it was his last week of his first year of college. My boy, my oldest love, Logan. My dude went THROUGH it during his first year. He was 3 hours away from home, living alone for his first time ever, making friends and belonging to a team. He said before he went that he didn't need any more friends, that he was happy with the ones he had. But I am so happy for him with the ones he made in Elkins. He has grown so much this past year, going out of his comfort zone a lot and adapting to so much change and adversity along the way. I try to preach to him how amazing it is that he even went away to college, something his father nor I ever did. We both stayed local, close to home, having the comforts and familiarity of the area around us everyday. Logan went 3 hours from home, and he did the damn thing. He held his own, he adjusted, begrudgingly at times, and went back after Christmas break. He plans to go back in the Fall. All of these things are more than I ever anticipated happening, in the best way. When I left him after moving him in to his dorm, I felt like I was leaving a piece of my heart behind. What if he needed me? What if something happens and I can't be there? What if he gets into trouble? All of these things actually happened, but we overcame every obstacle and came out on top. He has, again, taught me life lessons and has learned some for himself. He has been humbled by life, exceeded expectations on his baseball team, and developed overall as a person. I am so damn proud of him. He worries, too much, about making the wrong choices, about being a disappointment, about having it all figured out. And I try to remind him that nobody has it all figured out at 19. Even if they think they do, ask them 10 years ago how that plan worked out for them. I mean Jesus... I'm almost 41 and just now figuring things out. Life throws us curve balls all of the time. It's all in how we adapt to it. I repeat myself to him over and over that he will never be a disappointment to me, that I am so proud of all he has accomplished so far, and to hold his head high. Next year is a new year, new teammates, a fresh slate in the classroom and on the field. To quote a fellow parent "Only 7% of high school athletes go on to play at the college level. He made it through his first year of college, now he knows what to expect and he will have no problem next year". That made him feel much better about the future. His plans for summer are to work with his cousin doing landscaping, teach some baseball lessons to some younger kids and umpire some games while he's at it. He is determined and has drive and is growing into a grown man before our eyes. So here's to you, Logan Michael Sloanes (haha)! So proud of what you've overcome, the good, the bad and the ugly. So happy to have you home for summer. So excited to see where the next year takes you! We love you! 


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