B's get degrees

Sorry guys... 

I had all intentions of blogging last week, but whatever ailment came over me had other plans. I am still not 100% and feel like I can't hear half of the time, but here I am. Just another lesson in taking care of yourself and get adequate rest. Worry about you before worrying about others, and all that. Yea, right. 

School is almost out. One more day of fun and all that last day of school festivus and the boys will be off for the summer. We are definitely going to have to figure out a schedule, since trying to do school work this past week has been really hard for me. They can't quite grasp the fact that Mom really does have homework and needs time to study/read. I think it's hard for them to understand because I do everything on the computer, rather than going somewhere like they do. I'm sure we will get there. Last evening, I was reading and completing an assignment and told them that before I started, they had to ask for whatever they might need because I needed one hour. I also told them they could play on their tablets or gaming systems, but that they had to be quiet, keep their door shut, or if they stayed in the room with me, they had to whisper. HA! Magnus doesn't know how to whisper and I swear Sheamus is hard of hearing because his volume level is always all the way up. Hard, breath-y "Mom. Mom. Mom" Then I would look up and they would be like "oh, yea". I threaten them when I need to lay down that if they wake me up from misbehaving or yelling, that they have to clean out the litter boxes. Yesterday, when I warned them, they said "we have to clean the litter boxes now?" I hadn't thought of that punishment for them in that instance, but may have to instill it. They have yet to receive that punishment, so the threat of it must work. Shortly after, Finn called and invited them to his big brother's baseball game. Hallelujah!!! I got an hour and a half to myself, minimal interruptions and an assignment crossed off my list. Thank you, Marissa!

I haven't written down my to-do list lately. There is so much on it every week between my YSU assignments, things to do at work, kids games, etc that my little sticky note can't hold it all. I printed blank calendars and wrote things on there, color coded for each class of course. I'm hoping this will help keep me on track. I don't feel as overwhelmed today I as I have the last two weeks. Does that mean that I am getting in the groove? I have no idea. I'm sure it will happen, just in time for the classes to be over. YSU is significantly harder than EGCC, with me second guessing myself and if I can even do it. But, I won't give up, because that's not who I am. I may not get straight A's with these classes, which will frustrate the hell out of me. But B's are ok too. I have to keep telling myself that. LOL. 
We “celebrated” our anniversary on Sunday. 12 years of marriage and 15 years together. We went to breakfast while my in-laws took the boys to their hitting lessons and then took turns taking naps. lol. He did get me flowers and the sweetest card. He’s always real good at that. 🥰

This brings me to my dedication of the week... my in-laws, Jim and Pattie Lamantia. These two people give, all day every day, even when they shouldn't. Last week, they took the kids to Braxton's game so I could rest and get some work done and for that, I am so grateful. I have not missed a game of our kids for any reason other than another being scheduled at the same time. That's just not who I am. But knowing they were with them put my mom mind at ease. Our kids are blessed with grandparents who show up, for everything, who will jump for them in any way, support them in all of the things, from baseball to agility to wrestling to weight lifting and health. The kids know they can text them and 9/10 times, they will deliver on whatever they are asking. (Sometimes, to a fault. Lol) They spoil the kids in ways that we just can't. They donate, they give their time, they barely take time for themselves and will drop their plans if needed to help someone else. Our relationship hasn't been the easiest, with me and Ryan having our own baggage to start, adding in all of the outside stressors and parenting woes as they grow up. But I truly believe that our disagreements and trials have made us stronger and closer. We are still learning about each other, navigating how each other ticks, learning to communicate in ways that don't come across the wrong way, and adapting along the way. Our relationship is ever growing, but in the best way. I am so grateful that we have them, for support, for guidance, for love, for the prayers they say for us, for the faith that they have, for showing up, always. My kids lucked out with the best. They are present, they are there through all of the things, they help try to keep me sane and our home in order, and they even help out and clean the bathroom, AND the pee on the seat. Thank you, J and P. For everything! I love you. 🩷https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1xd3Z4wp7ARe5djLnqa7ZWx58lChan0Qwhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1wlgXkfo_whbxRg4PmMoEjh4K2FAZJoOJhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1kAIMKtoY_4F9akaF1SICGhVcJyUTpT5w


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