It's a Choco-River!

 It's Wednesday... I am way far behind. Not sure if it is the holiday weekend or what but something threw me off and here I am. My apologies.

April is here and so is the rain. There was a tornado watch with severe storms warnings, hail and high winds and we got none of it. Well, we did get a lot of rain and some thunder and lightening but it was not near what they had predicted. When this happens, we get what I call a choco-river down our street. is run off from the streets above us and it just takes off down our street. It's fun trying to get to our cars when it is rushing down. No matter what I plan to do, no matter how much I frogger across the sidewalk and grass, I ALWAYS end up with wet shoes. What a joy to start your day! Lol. It's not usually anything drastic, just enough to be annoying. Space heaters are my friend!

We had a great, busy Holiday weekend. We missed Dry... he was in Florida with his Mom & step-dad and his side of the family. He had so much fun, went to Disney World and posed with Darth Vader and a couple of Storm Troopers.

I got to enjoy a long weekend with my boys and Ryan, I deep cleaned and did a LOT of laundry, although you would never know it by looking at the laundry piles and state of the house today. My dad and his family from Florida came in for a quick jaunt, we saw Logan and his teammates in Morgantown on Good Friday. Magnus is the best co-pilot.... hehe

The Saturday before Easter my mom's side of the family always holds "Easter Saturday" and we always bring entirely too much food. It started when I was little because that side of the family didn't get to visit during Christmas, so this was our way to catch up with them. It was almost like a second Christmas when we were young but has now evolved into more Easter-like activity. We have an "egg hunt", but we can't really hide the eggs where we hold the dinner so we form a line and let them pick out of a basket, youngest to oldest. The kids all color eggs (Aunt Robin and Uncle Kraig are the GOATs) and get to take home their prize possessions; Get them all sugared up and send them on their way. It was nice to see everyone, my dad and his fam came even though it was Mom's side, as well as my in-laws. Logan came in that morning and brought one of his college besties to spend the long weekend with us. Easter Sunday was for basket hunting, more sugar, another egg hunt at Grandma and Pap's and a nap on Pap's chair. I didn't get nearly the amount of downtime in as I wanted during my 4 days off, but that will come... eventually. Ryan is off today and I plan to make dinner and then crash, taking full advantage of him being home and the fact that I am exhausted. 

I have decided that, starting next week and for the weeks after, I will dedicate my blog posts to one particular person. A spotlight, if you will. I'm not certain yet on how I will incorporate it in... will I make the entire post about them or a shout out at the end? That is all TBD. 

Baseball season officially starts on the 13th. The boys have been practicing regularly and the twins received new bats for Easter. They were PUMPED. Boop got new batting gloves; they're special with padding in the palm and in the space between the thumb and first finger to help with the shock of the bat? Insert shoulder shrug emoji. I just go along with it. Haha. I'm in 2nd week of second term for the Spring semester and am juggling Principles of Marketing and Compensation Management. The reading and assignments are making my head spin, for sure. My original plan was to continue classes in to summer to obtain my degree quicker, but with the transition in to Youngstown State, I'm not sure that my program will be completely established to be able to do this. This will push me back a full semester. Boo. But, maybe it's better to give myself a break for the summer? Idk. I do know that I just want to be done and I may even take 3 classes in the fall to get there quicker. Am I crazy? Definitely a glutton for punishment. But that's my life. I thrive on chaos, keeping busy, being perpetually exhausted and constantly cleaning up pee on the seat. Love to you all!


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