Alllll byyyy myyyseeeelllfff
I am sitting alone at the twins game, willing myself not to eat all of the concession things. It’s weird not having someone to keep tabs on, to watch with the eyes in the back of my head while simultaneously watching a game. Seeing these parents chasing their toddlers makes me relish in this stage that we are in. My youngest are 9 and can communicate. (mostly coherently) Some days they communicate their feelings a little TOO freely… using spicy words or many emotions in their tone. But I would rather them use those with us behind closed doors than in public or school. Logan had a game today at Indiana University of PA. He informed me that he doesn’t want us to watch or travel now, as he does better WHEN he gets in. So, I appease. Boop is currently playing in Hopedale, they’re up 10-3. Ryan is his teams head coach so he went there, I came here. Divide and conquer. What we do best.

Speaking of the man, he is this weeks shout out. My Rybo. The man who drives me absolutely insane some days and who holds me together others. He is one of the funniest people I know, he makes me see when I am being unreasonable or lets me have my tantrums and go about my day. We will celebrate 12 years married, been together 15 and I do not, CANNOT, envision anything in my future without him. Our boys adore him; the best wrestling partner, steady QB, and dunkmaster. No matter how tired he is, he always has time for the boys, whatever it is they need or want. He drives hours and hours to pick up an abandoned vehicle, watches the incessant TikTok’s he is shown, most of them of Dryden flexing, always finds a way to trick the boys into playing with his hair, only to fall asleep on their lap, snoring. He is the best hype man… for them, for me and for those he loves most. He has his own anxieties and fears at times but will never let it on or make you feel like his worries are more than yours. He will hold your hand in hard times, and lift you more in high times. I am forever grateful that God brought us together, at a time when we both knew exactly what each other needed. He takes care of us, in every way he knows how. He’s my best friend in this shit world, and will always be my favorite person, even on days when he’s not. I never want to know what life is like without him. Without his love and adoration. His annoying roaming hands and his great big hugs. Neither of us are perfect, by any means. But we are perfect for each other. I love you, Ryan.
Now, If only he could teach the boys to wipe up after themselves. But who am I kidding… he even leaves pee on the seat.
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