
Showing posts from April, 2024

"I slapped Ouiser Boudreaux"

  Hello cool cats and kittens...  Not gonna lie... I am not feeling blogging today. I have been putting it off as long as possible, but consistency is key and I must. So here I am. As I say with every week, it's been a week. We had baseball and more baseball, cleaning, laundering, and SUNSHINE! Sunday was one of my better days this past week; I read a whole book between Saturday and Sunday, took in some sun, was able to actually cook a delicious dinner for the family, laundry, etc. I almost feel guilty on nights when we have to eat take out or a quick butter noodle dinner because we are so busy; it feels nice to be able to provide something for them that isn't deep friend or made by someone else. The boys enjoyed the trampoline most of the day, with the hose sprinkler attachment on. I hate to see the water bill, but they have a blast doing it. Kudos to Pap for rigging that up for them.  I also feel like I am at a point in my life that I am really evaluating myself, my mental st

Brother Bear

What's Up, Brother? It's Tuesday! Tuesday! Special teams, special plays, special players... (If you know, you know. If not, look up Sketch on TikTok. My boys are OBSESSED). Ya'll... I don't know who reads this, or who even cares, but LORDT! ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜ฎ‍๐Ÿ’จThis past week has tested my patience so much, I don't know where to even start. I feel like a broken record; it's always something. This past week has proven to test my patience and I'm not sure what to do to get some sanity back. Baseball season has officially begun, with at least two games per week, per team. Add in work, school, children, life, and I am spent. I try and make dinner, making sure to have something for everyone in it and nobody eats it. Or they say they want it and then barely touch it. Game days I make it early, so they eat before their games and I'm not cooking at 9:00 at night and I still end up making something at 9:00 because they need a second dinner because they're StArViNg... ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ™„ 

Alllll byyyy myyyseeeelllfff

I am sitting alone at the twins game, willing myself not to eat all of the concession things. It’s weird not having someone to keep tabs on, to watch with the eyes in the back of my head while simultaneously watching a game. Seeing these parents chasing their toddlers makes me relish in this stage that we are in. My youngest are 9 and can communicate. (mostly coherently) Some days they communicate their feelings a little TOO freely… using spicy words or many emotions in their tone. But I would rather them use those with us behind closed doors than in public or school. Logan had a game today at Indiana University of PA. He informed me that he doesn’t want us to watch or travel now, as he does better WHEN he gets in. So, I appease. Boop is currently playing in Hopedale, they’re up 10-3. Ryan is his teams head coach so he went there, I came here. Divide and conquer. What we do best.  Speaking of the man, he is this weeks shout out. My Rybo. The man who drives me absolutely insane some day

This week's... Deanna Rose...

 Another day, another week, another blog to spill my guts about nonsense. Yesterday was the Solar Eclipse. ๐ŸŒ— I didn't think I would give a single care about it, however, looking through our sweet little glasses ๐Ÿ˜Ž and watching the coverage of the sun, witnessing how dark it got outside, mid-day, was actually quite neat. I saw only a few videos that showed complete coverage, and that would have been really cool to witness. Didn't think I would care much, but ended up being a lot cooler than I imagined. Saturday and Sunday was Wrestlemania 40 and my kids had ALL of the emotions, both days. We have been watching wrestling in our house now for at least 12 years, consistently. I don't that there is an end in sight. Thankfully, there have been minimal wrestling related injuries. Time will tell... hopefully I didn't just jinx myself.          This week I start my weekly dedication blogs. I don't have a set schedule and they are in no particular order, so hopefully nobody&

It's a Choco-River!

  It's Wednesday... I am way far behind. Not sure if it is the holiday weekend or what but something threw me off and here I am. My apologies. April is here and so is the rain. There was a tornado watch with severe storms warnings, hail and high winds and we got none of it. Well, we did get a lot of rain and some thunder and lightening but it was not near what they had predicted. When this happens, we get what I call a choco-river down our street.  It is run off from the streets above us and it just takes off down our street. It's fun trying to get to our cars when it is rushing down. No matter what I plan to do, no matter how much I frogger across the sidewalk and grass, I ALWAYS end up with wet shoes. What a joy to start your day! Lol. It's not usually anything drastic, just enough to be annoying. Space heaters are my friend! We had a great, busy Holiday weekend. We missed Dry... he was in Florida with his Mom  & step-dad and his side of the family. He had so much fun