Oh, you have plans? HAHAHAHAHAHAH

   It's Tuesday. I have so much on my mind, I don't even know where to start or what to save for another time. I guess I'll start with the biggest worry. 

    Every Monday, I have a routine. I write down what we have scheduled for that week. I write down appointments, practices, games, etc. I write down what class assignments I have due, quizzes or papers. I write down what tasks I would like or need to complete for the week. I write down to remind myself to blog, to create a reel or story on social media to try and keep content going on it. I make lists, regularly. I like lists because I can see what needs done and I love the sense of accomplishment in crossing it off. It is usually put on a post-it, so I can carry it with me adhered to my planner so I don't forget anything and can see it every day. How can you miss a bright yellow piece of paper when you look in your purse multiple times a day? 

    Within the last two week, students at our local Community College received news that any and all registration for upcoming semesters is frozen, as there is an ongoing investigation into the future of the school itself and the financial issues it has endured recently. I had been wondering why I couldn't enroll in my Summer semester classes; I like to be ahead of the game and have it all planned out. My goal was to finish my degree in October since I take 8 week long condensed courses and would be done mid Fall semester, should my scheduling follow as I had mapped. Now I know why. There is talk that the college won't remain open beyond that point, talks of a bigger University takeover, reporting of in-seat classes still being offered and options given for transfers to other community colleges and their programs. 

    I have so many emotions. First, WTH!!!! I chose this particular school and program because it was all online and all on my time. Now what? I feel like any time we do anything in life to try and move forward or get ahead, there is always something to push us back a couple steps and sit us down. My goal of finishing my degree in October seems pretty bleak now. I may be able to finish by years end, but from where? Will my credits transfer? Will the programs be comparable in that I won't have to repeat a class I have already taken? Will it take longer than what I had planned? Will I be able to finish at all? 

    I am currently on a break from my classes. We finished up on Sunday with the 8th week and I don't start my next classes until 3/25, so that's welcomed. It's weird to not have anything to complete for now, and I keep checking my classes to see if grades were posted. As of right now it is showing an A in both classes, but I am a freaky weirdo and don't want to count on it until it is official. I have on my list to call and speak with someone at the College for some type of direction, but they do have a meeting scheduled on March 12, so I will hold off until they hopefully have some sort of answer. I don't want to get too down about it, and I know it will all be ok in the end. But man... why can't things just go the way we set out? In one of my classes I was asked to create a training module for something that I think everyone should know and benefit how to do. I chose LAUNDRY! It's crazy, the amount of people who weren't really taught how, or didn't learn until later in life. I feel like I want to create a how-to with my PowerPoint and sell it for a couple bucks! LOL. I learned from the best: pre-treat, colors v. temps, drying times, etc. Surely someone can get some use out of it. Or even give it to graduating Seniors going off to college. Who knows. Maybe that will be my path after all. Laundry. 😵‍💫

    Magnus is sick again. He has another fever. Not many other symptoms other than fatigue. Some cough, but he has had that since he was sick a couple of weeks ago. His eyes look sick though, with darker than normal circles. I can tell when he is starting to fever because he (like the rest of my kids) start to pant or grunt in their sleep. They have a hard time staying comfortable, and Magnus grinds his teeth worse. Hearing that in the night is MADDENING. We have to gently grab his face or his cheek to get him to stop. It sends shivers for sure. I am waiting to hear back from the Pediatrician to see if they want him to have blood work done or if they want us to wait it out a little longer since it seems that everything is going around. He is taking full advantage of being home alone with grandma and Dad and getting spoiled more than normal with spicy chicken sandwiches and Dunkin' frosted donuts with sprinkles. Root Beer on demand or Sprite sometimes. Cold water. His own personal charger so he can take it where he needs it for his iPad. And someone with him in the room always to watch him play with his wrestlers or, if the Motrin has kicked in, play a little PS5. His brothers benefit from him being sick, too. A whole box of Drumsticks ice cream deliciousness gone within 24 hours because of these vultures. And I guess the cleaning of the floors and disinfecting did absolutely nothing as far as germs go. Maybe the nice weather and opening of the windows will help. Can it also get rid of pee on the seat?https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1PRWeolKygwJZscxz5pY1HfctjnIXAQ43


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