No rest for the wicked... Literally...
Life has been CHAOS lately and I don't even know where to begin. I thought for sure it would slow down with basketball and wrestling being over, but alas, it has not.
We finally finished basketball on Thursday for the Championship game. Magnus, unfortunately, couldn't play in it because he tested positive for Influenza A and a right ear infection... less than 3 weeks after having Influenza B. His fever was as high as 104.8 and we were freaking out. None of my kids have ever gone that high with a fever and we were thinking the worst, being that he had just been sick. I don't want to say that I am thankful that it was Influenza, but my mind was put at peace knowing there was a reason. This is the first year that we didn't get the boys flu shots and I feel like we learned our lesson. His neurologist said that we should get them every year, especially because a high fever can reduce a seizure threshold. Safe to say we were watching him like a hawk before we could get his checked out. Since then, Dryden has gotten some kind of congestion thing and Sheamus was at the ER with severe abdominal pain. That was concerning; it came on so suddenly and the Ibuprofen wasn't working. It woke him from a sleep. As fast as it came on was as fast as it went away, but we were already registered and waiting our turn, so we stayed. He charmed the ER doctors, they were very kind and we went on our way. We are thinking it was some random cramping. He was doubled over, crying in pain, couldn't stand up straight. But he is fine and at school today. Who knows?
Baseball practices are in full swing (see what I did there), just about every day. Logan was Florida all last week for Spring Break/Baseball tournament. We get to go watch him this Wednesday and I am so excited to squeeze his face. He was home last month for a family funeral but only for about 24 hours and it just seemed too short and rushed. I am currently in the process of cutting 3,648 tickets to be used this Friday for Knight at the Races for our Boosters Club. This event is a big one and benefits ALL of our High School sports but MAN, it is a lot of work. It's hard when we don't have a large group that runs it to delegate, but we have some volunteers stepping up to help, which is fabulous. Hopefully it makes the evening run seamlessly.

I feel like I am at a point where I don't know if I need sleep, a vacation, a lobotomy? I feel like no matter how much sleep I get, it isn't enough. I am having a hard time winding down in the evening to the point that I lay in bed for hours. Then when I do finally start to doze off, I get woken up by the smallest sounds. and I get PISSED. I am so tired, almost overly tired. And I don't know what to do. No matter how much I clean, it isn't enough. No matter how much laundry is done, it isn't enough. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted and I don't even know what to ask for or what to do with myself. I don't know if it's the state of the world right now, the state of mind my hormones take me to every month or just a lot of things weighing me down. Either way, I'm watching Six Feet Under again and the Mom took off with a friend to get away from it all and it seems like a blast. LOL. Also, I just realized that the cast of this show has a lot of the same actors as the movie "Can't Hardly Wait" and it makes me smile. I text Ryan this morning about the shit show that happened before I left. "Sheamus has a stomach ache again, Magnus was in a mood, Logan probably won't be at his game tomorrow, OUR PETS HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!" This is our life. It's literally always something. But the show must go on, the kids need fed, they have practices and groceries need bought and rooms need cleaned. There is no rest for the wicked.
And there is always pee on the seat.
Edited to Add:
It's as if my boy can sense when I need it most. I received this text from Braxton Monday after school. He's the best!
"I know your trying your best to keep us safe and I just wanna say I appreciate the things that you do for us you put food on the table your working hard 24/7 you have to deal with us and i know its hard sometimes but you gotta keep on moving forward and I LOVE YOU BUNCHES❤️💕”If that’s not enough to make you feel like you’re doing SOMETHING right, I don’t know what is. 🥹
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