No fortune... Good or bad?

The magic of technology is amazing. Logan started in his first baseball game today and I am watching, play by play, via live streaming through the school's website. I hate that I can't be at each and every game, but so glad I can watch and not miss out on too much. Currently, they are up 5-3 against Wheeling (Jesuit), bottom of the 5th. This could be his team's first win of the season with his first start. How amazing would that be!

I have started making a list of ideas and things as they come to mind that I would like to blog about. I have a few things, but, like when you are dreaming and you wake in the night hoping to remember what you dreamt about, I sometimes lose what I wanted to blog about and look at the list and wonder why the hell I wrote that down. LOL. 

I went live on my personal FB account the other night. Magnus and Sheamus were in rare form on a Friday night and I SWEAR by the witching hour that is 8:00. A simple game of living room football can never be just that. It always ends in a wrestling match of some kind, shirts off and swear words before the tears. They are so competitive with each other, no matter the age. I may have even written about this before, but all hell breaks loose. And to my luck, Ryan just started afternoons, which means that he leaves for work at noon and works until midnight. I hate nights without him home. I swear they gang up on me and have a conference behind my back, scheming who can ask for the most stuff. They have signs for each other or something for when I sit down to do anything or try to get something done. And when that 8:00 hour hits, they have lost all of their minds and all of the feelings and cravings and reserved energy for the day escapes them in unison and it is like taming wild animals. They feed off of each other. One will act a fool and lose their mind while the others think it is friggin' HILARIOUS, which then makes that one act MORE of a fool and Mom to LOSE. HER. MIND. Cue ALL the threats, of grounding and loss of electronic use, no snacks before bed, whatever. I speak is tongues at that point and don't remember what I even threaten half the time. It typically ends with someone in tears and Mom feeling like the biggest piece of shit on the ground. Boop has practice today and I will pre-emptively set the tone for the evening and make sure they know what's up and what's not. lol. Here's to hopefully a calm evening. 

We got Chinese food the other day for lunch at work and like always, we received fortune cookies with them. I picked mine when I grabbed my food, as you never hand them out, you always pick your own from the pile. I cracked mine at the end of my meal and there was nothing in it. This got me wondering... is no fortune in your fortune cookie a sign of bad luck or is it the opposite and a sign of good luck? Am I reading too much into it or is it really the saying that if you didn't have bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all? 

I started my second session of this Spring term and have already made my list for the week. I got all of the assignments done earlier in the one class so what remains is for only for one. I hope to have it all complete by Wednesday, since it is a short week and we are off Thursday and Friday for the Easter break. We had a semi-impromptu game night this past Saturday and I actually got a compliment on my clean bathroom. Imagine that... there wasn't pee on the seat. 

Enjoy a few pictures of: Cookies we decorated at a class this past weekend. It was so nice, so relaxing and so fun. Can't wait for the next one!

One of the cats (Thor) and new dog co-existing. That's it. Not peacefully. Baby steps. At least there was no barking or hissing. 

Magnus doing his happy dance because I brough home Doritos and Root Beer. Easily amused. 

**Update, Logan's team took a giant crap and lost 10-5 in the last inning.**


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