Past Sarah makes a visit

 Happy President's Day!

    So happy to be off for the day with the hubs and our ailing children. Blogging from the comforts of my love seat while the twins cough and sniffle and fever and perk up with meds and scream on their tablets. Fun times. I should have known it was coming... we stayed overnight in a hospital setting, Magnus cannot keep his fingers out of his mouth and there were a ton of staff/students out with sickness in the last 2 weeks. Not to mention that we play youth sports with kids snotting and coughing and touching basketballs. Blech. Kids are gross, loud germ factories and I can't wait for a tad warmer temps to air out this house. 

   I have finally figured out the key to making my conditioner last! I will buy a brand new bottle, and I only wash my hair every 6-7 days. So, a new bottle should last me well over 6 weeks. I would use it when it was brand new, go back a week later to use it, and it will be GONE. Granted, I remember using my moms shampoo, conditioner, mousse, shaving cream, baby powder, you name it to make potions or try to come up with some kind of science experiment in the tub when I was little. But I swear these kids just squeeze it out straight into the water. Braxton uses it in his hair, as did Dryden before he shaved his hair. And i know damn well that they were using ENTIRELY too much. Having boys is weird, you don't think they will mess with your stuff because you are a girl, but it actually draws them in because they are curious and it smells good. So I've been hiding it. I have it up on a shelf hidden under something else. God knows these kids won't LOOK for anything that isn't in plain sight, so I am safe and have had the same bottle for a few weeks now with plenty to last. I've had my fair share of products missing over the last few years, and I don't even want to THINK about why. But I've cracked the code for now! Or until they look for something else and find it. Or they read this blog. LOL. 

    We got the results of Magnus' EEG, which showed abnormal results again. It didn't show seizure activity, which we knew because his seizures are controlled with medication but it showed abnormalities with some spike/wave activity, which means that it shows a predisposition for mixed seizure disorder. We interpret this as, if he weren't medicated regularly, it would show more prominent activity. We reached out to his Neurologist to see what we do from here. I've said before and I'll say again, I don't care if he has to be medicated for the rest of his life, as long as that means he can live as normal a life as possible for him. We are going to get blood work done to determine if his medication levels need to be adjusted, as they are prescribed based on weight, to get a reading on him overall and see what's next. I anticipate little change to his routine, but you never know.

    I found an excerpt from a previous FB post, I felt the need to share because I can remember it so vividly... 7 years ago, on this day... "The last 9 hours and a nutshell... after laughing and coughing during a convo with Kenny, I lay down for bed. I've taken the prescribed cough meds and Mucinex. I fall asleep fast, while being propped up so I'm not lying flat. I'm awoken at 12:30 by a coughing fit and have a hard time getting comfortable afterward. Around 2:15, I decide to take half of a Benadryl to try and dry up the cough. At 2:30 I hear Sheamus crying. He usually doesn't cry in the night, maybe just a whimper and then goes back to sleep. I go get him and he is soaked with pee and sweat. Wipe him down. Change him. New PJs and he's wide awake. I put Monsters, Inc. on and he stays awake the whole effing time. It's now after 4:00 when we finally doze off in the recliner. 5:20, Ryan is up getting ready for work. I take Sheamus in to lay down in my bed once Ryan leaves and he perks right up. So I lay there trying to get him to settle down and go back to sleep. Cue Magnus. Then cue Sheamus' excitement to hear Magnus awake. I wait a few and go get Magnus, who is also soaked in pee and sweat and decides to throw a holy fit. The entire house is awake at 6:25. Dryden, Braxton Magnus, Sheamus. Braxton keeps shoving a stuffed Spider-man in my face, while digging his feet underneath my legs and butt over and over. Magnus just hit Sheamus on top of the head with a toy helicopter. I can't even put into words right now what I need right now." So what you're saying, past Sarah, is that years may go by but things won't change. Got it. LOL. While Magnus has been sick, he has been needy, which is understandable. However, he is beginning to feel better but reallllyyyy dragging out this needy business. I'm talking, asking for ME to get his Sprite for him, which is only across the room on the opposite end table. He's been waited on hand and foot these past few days and he is taking full advantage. 

    We had a BUSY week last week, literally something everyday. We thought the basketball season was going to be over for the twins after Thursday's game, however, the head of the league decided to do a little playoff bracket and we now play tomorrow at 6:00. Should we win that game, we will play for the 'ship Thursday at 7:00. Boop, Magnus and Sheamus are participating in a hitting clinic with the High School baseball team Thursday from 5-6:30, so it could be a long evening for them. Dryden had a meet on Valentine's Day, where he won his match. Braxton played in an All-Star game for 6th grade Saturday and regular season game Sunday to clinch 2nd place. Playoffs start Saturday at 7:00. Should he win, HE plays for the 'ship Sunday. And lastly, Logan had his first collegiate debut for D&E at King University in Bristol, Tennessee, where he got in the last inning of the 3rd game as a pinch hitter. Freshman, getting in for a play in the third game is a big deal, even if it is only to me.  We are so busy some days, my head could spin. But I could not be more proud of these boys. They are good humans, good friends and they do well overall in school (especially when they actually apply themselves) and have passion for the sports they play. So what if there's always pee on the seat. 


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