Have kids, they say....
Wednesday. I am TWO days late and I am trying to get this out before I forget for another day. What a day. What a last 10 days. What a life, huh? I could write multiple posts in one week on just the oldest child and the trials we have faced since he went to college. But I feel like he would be super mad at me if I called him out in that way, so I'll save it all for a day he REALLY pisses me off. 😝
We finished up basketball and wrestling officially. Dryden has his Sectional tournament on Saturday but unfortunately fell short from progressing to the next round. He was upset at first, but has since relished in the fact that he can now eat whenever and whatever he wants and doesn't have to watch his diet for 8 months. Lol. Boop finished up basketball Sunday evening. His team won on Saturday to take them to the Championship Sunday, but unfortunately, the other team pressed HARD the entire game and they had about 7 more kids on their bench so the chances on them tiring and relenting were slim. My poor boy got worked up a couple times but once he realized the game was too far gone, he just played ball and rode it out. It was so hard seeing them all so upset afterward, but you can't win them all. Last year, this exact team plus two more went 1-9 in their season. This year, they went 8-2 in both fall and winter sessions (with only 7 players), making it to the Championship in the winter session. What an accomplishment. We cannot wait to see where they go from here. 🤗
The twins were supposed to finish their season last Thursday with a Championship game, but there was illness on the other team so it was canceled. Since then, it has been canceled 2 more times and been determined that their chances of making it up are slim with Spring sports starting immediately. On Thursday, February 15, Magnus woke up with a headache. He stayed home and Dad took his temp... 102. Good times! Luckily they didn't have school that Friday and the following Monday, so he was able to rest the weekend. He was so pitiful and the fever lasted for over 3 days, followed by a nasty cough and congestion. That Sunday, Sheamus takes a nap and wakes up with a temp. It climbs and HE has it for 3 days after that. He has a playoff game on Tuesday (Feb 20) and he wanted to try and play in it. He made it through, barely and crashed afterward for the rest of the night. After talking with some Medical Staff at my old job, it is determined that they probably had Influenza B. Cool. Sheamus' settled into his sinuses and ears and he was seen Monday and diagnosed with an ear and sinus infection. It's been a RIDE. Hopefully now everyone is on the mend and we can move forward. 🤧😷🤒
With basketball ending Sunday, Monday brought some decent weather so we were at the batting cages already. Baseball Friday, Saturday, Sunday this weekend, with Family Fun Night sprinkled in there. We don't stop! It's exhausting and so much to try and keep up with. Shout out to my mom and in-laws for helping watch sick kids while we take other kids to what they need, helping keep up the house and my father-in-law for fixing our washing machine and saving us a couple hundo AND scrubbing our floors on his hands and knees, trying to get the funk out of the house. Hopefully that, along with my scrubbing the counters and light switches and knobs with Powerwash and Clorox wipes. He even cleaned the bathroom... the floors, the sinktops and even the pee on the seat. 🫣🙏🏻
** I typically end my posts with something funny and clever, but I did want to bring light to something more serious. On Monday, February 12, I got word from a co-worker that a dear friend had lost his life by his own hands. He was a friend to those who got to know him, a teddy bear of a guy. We grew up in "the Hills" together, only doors way from each other. We weren't best friends, but he was one of those guys that made me feel like he was always watching out for me, always a protector. We graduated and went our separate ways, only to move back to "the Hills" when we were having our babies. Kloey and Logan are only 4 months apart, they grew up together, so much time played outside together, preschool and all the grades together until we moved back out. Kloey and Logan were one of each others first best friends and he and I were babies raising babies. His presence was even more welcome the older I got, especially when my brother moved away and I didn't have that feeling of protection around. He moved away from the area, but when he came around, I would hear him before I would see him... he would always say "SarahRush" blended, in his deep voice and I knew. We saw each other a good bit in the last year, as Logan and Kloey graduated and had Senior things to attend with parents. He lost his Mom a few years ago, a legend in town who worked at a local Pub and knew everyone and loved them the same. His youngest brother passed in September. And even in HIS time of need, he always had a hug for me. Always a joke or something to talk about. I will always remember him as a big teddy bear. A friend. ❤️
I would have NEVER anticipated him being gone in this way. I know he was loved and know he had a world of support behind him. But in those last moments and his last thoughts, he truly thought that there was no other way and everyone would be better off without him. He had remarried and had two more children, who are now middle school and high school aged, and they have to learn a new life without him. I know how hard it would be for me as an adult to adjust to the loss of a parent, let alone someone who is 19 and under. My heart hurts for them. I hope that they find some kind of solace in knowing how many people loved him. Even if he couldn't love himself.
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