A day late, and overmedicated


It's Tuesday. I try to have these out on Monday's but, you know, effing life. I am currently in Children's Hospital with Magnus for his two-year EEG (brain scan) to check for any seizure-like activity. Last time we had one of these it showed activity while he was sleeping. He hasn't had an active seizure since June of 2016, but damn you, middle of the night events. If he were to show no signs, we could discuss weaning him off of the twice daily seizure meds he currently takes, but he has to show no activity. Here's to hoping! 

Quick weekly recap: basketball games (won), quick overnight visit from the eldest, wrestling meet (2nd place and 2nd place overall for the school), more basketball (won), lost tooth resulting in the Tooth Fairy bringing money and the stomach big, a disco themed baby shower, with work and marriage and practices sprinkled in. Laundry is so far behind, it just gets washed on an as needed basis. The subject of laundry could be a whole post itself. It is never ending and it just keeps multiplying. And don't get me STARTED about finding clean, FOLDED clothes in the dirty clothes basket. That sends me through the roof! 

We have a bit of a reprieve this weekend, as there is only a wrestling meet on Saturday. Sunday is the Super Bowl so we are having family and a few friends over for food. Come gametime, they can GTFO. LOL. I kid, I kid. 

On top of all of this other fun, SOMEONE in the house spilled milk somewhere other than a place that i knew of. I CANNOT find the GD smell out. For the one that I know about, I have resolved, cloroxed, baking soda'd, rinsed with water, spot bot pet rug scrubbed/sucked it all out but i think there is a spot hiding that I can't find. I was literally on my hands and knees sniffing the carpet trying to find it. Of course, Ryan looked at me crazy and asked me WTF I was doing. And, he can't smell it! I don't know how. As soon as I sit in a particular seat, I'm looking around for a possible spot I may have missed. It will drive me nuts until I find it. 

Here's a fun story... so, Magnus had to be here at 11:00 this morning, with check-in requested 15 minutes before. We actually were early, which is a rarity for me. Rather than taking Sheamus to school on time, he asked to stay until we left the house so he could be with Magnus until it was time for him to leave because he will miss him. We obliged. The kids don't miss much school unless they don't feel good, or unless they pull one over on us and fake it REALLY well. I got myself and Magnus bathed for the day and was working on the checklist of things to bring with us for this overnight stay, packing things as we go. I take medication everyday for Type 2 diabetes and cold sores that get out of control on my face when I'm stressed, which let's face it, is literally everyday. I took mine earlier and packed them away. I go about packing, crossing things off my list, getting myself ready, etc. I realize that I had packed Magnus' meds before giving them to him so I go and grab them out of the bag. We usually have him eat something before he takes them, or at least drink milk, so it puts some sustenance in his belly. One of the meds can be an appetite suppressor and homeboy is already skin and bones so we try to push giving his meds as long as possible. Today was one of those days where he was too distracted to eat and downright refused, which is why I had already packed them. I get them out of his pill case, go grab my tea for him to drink with it and I TAKE HIS MEDICINE, WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT. I keep going about the house, cleaning and whatnot and then stop DEAD in my tracks and say "Oh shit! I took Magnus' med!" The look on Ryan's face, the disbelief. In almost 9 years of him taking medication I have never done that. I am still kind of shocked that I did. I reach out to a colleague/Provider from my previous job and wait for a response, knowing I am going to have to call Poison Control while I'm on the road. She calls me while we are on the road and says I should be fine, but to call Poison Control to be on the safe side since I take medication myself. (Yes, I know, I probably shouldn't have driven. But the medication doses he takes are low so that was a plus.) I finish packing, we load up the car and head on our way. I call Poison Control who instructs me to push fluids and encourages me not to drive and what the symptoms could be (dizziness and drowsiness), but also to call my Primary Care Provider, as one of his meds could interact with one of mine and cause Lactic Acid buildup. Joy. So, call placed to PCP and they say to push fluids as well, hold all medication for tonight and inform the staff at Children's when I get here, in case my blood pressure or sugar decides to drop and they find me on the floor. Poison Control has since called to check on me (it's now 4 hours later) and I am feeling just fine. I'm tired, but that Is also who I am as a person. What a life. What a mess. A true example of a train wreck. 

Magnus has now told me about 15 times "I want this thing off my head". I know, buddy. I know. There are 20+ electrodes glued all over his head, ranging from both temples, all the way around and all over. He HATES the process; the glue they use smells really strong, they have a super skinny wand to place in a hole of the electrode with pressurized air coming out of it to dry it quickly, the air is cold and it is loud. All of these things are a lot for a non-sensory sensitive person. Magnus doesn't like things on his head usually unless it's a hat that HE put on himself and he doesn't like loud noises. So he was not happy during the setup, but he was a trooper and only shed about 3 tears at the very end when she placed the 3 on his forehead and temples. He has also asked how long until bed time and how long until it's dark time. Not soon enough, my guy. The nice thing is that we have a little suite room to ourselves, with a large selection of movies, free WiFi, a kitchen open until 8:00 and time for just the two of us. We miss our family... you would think that we were leaving for a week with the good byes and I'll miss you's that were said. Our boys are all creatures of routine, and we like being home and in our comfort zone. Even if there's a weird smell that apparently only I can smell, or there are piles and piles of laundry waiting to be done, or there is always pee on the seat.


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