Lazy days…

    Its Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and the kids are off school. This is the first time I’ve ever had this day off of work with taking a paid day off. Yet another reason why making my career change has been such a blessing. 

    We had a mildly busy weekend; nothing like we’ve had before. Basketball practice Friday evening, a wrestling tournament all day with basketball games Saturday afternoon and a small family birthday party yesterday. Dryden took 2nd place in his tournament, with 3 pins to get him to the final. Braxton scored 12 points in his first game but lost. He played good defensively in his second game but didn’t score much. They won. Yay! Our Logan also went back to college yesterday, so most of the day was spent getting everything ready. He starts baseball almost immediately, so we had to make sure he had everything he would need, as he won’t be back home for a whillleee. So we have planned out what games we can watch and submitted our requests to work. Here’s hoping the weather cooperates!

    I keep going back and forth with whether to continue being lazy or to clean our nasty bathroom. I think I notice it most because I take baths, but oh my god. 🤢 All of the pee on the seat, missing the bowl completely, the tub surround and caulking that never ever lasts. Why does it need replaced so frequently? I hate it. Laundry is about caught up, so doing the things will make for an easier week since the twins start games tomorrow. They are so pumped. 

    Week 2 of Spring Term 1 begins today, with 6 assignments due this week. And a digital marketing course with a blogging module. 😅 But it’s all for them… so they can have all of the best. While they rage out on their headsets with their friends, eating every snack in sight and drinking gallons of milk a day. Chauffeur them where they need to be, and do it with a smile because it’s what we love to do. Some days are definitely more challenging than others, but we get through. 

    I guess I’ll go be somewhat productive. Not too much. Don’t want to exert too much energy and make this Apple Watch think I’m actually exercising or something. Here’s to basketball all week and a successful first week of spring semester for the boy. Until next week! 

Edited to add: I decided to clean the bathroom and Oh. My. God. All this time, I thought it was buildup under the caulking when in reality, it’s the cement wall crumbling little by little and literally sediment coming out through the cracks. (Our house was built like a bomb shelter so it’s legit poured concrete. 🤦🏻‍♀️) At least we aren’t as gross as I thought! 💁🏻‍♀️❤️


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