
Guys.... I haven’t blogged in almost 18 months. Yes, life has been crazy, but I just didn’t seem to have the want to. I would think about it, and try to make it a point to, but then I would come home from work, and then there were these humans that needed me, and then bedtime, and I’m just real tired all the time. So my resolution this year is to try harder. Post more. Make a better effort. 

So, 2020 huh? Amiright? So much has happened. I can’t even put it all into words. There’s been some terrible, awful, but then some amazing. A freaking ongoing global pandemic. Murder hornets. (Was that even real?) ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿง  Tiger King. (Definitely real.๐Ÿฏ) Many free days due to canceled sports seasons. Canceled trips. And concerts. Lots of Netflix. Lots of online shopping. Holiday celebrations canceled. But so much low key energy. Many, many TikToks. No school. Quarantined Vacation. Down time with the most important people in our lives. And Oh LORD, the babies are coming!!!!!! 

We were fortunate enough to keep our jobs. Nothing changed for us, financially or in our employment. The only difference was that this was supposed to be the first year that ALLLL 5 boys would play baseball. That didn’t happen, but we were ok with it. Logan had a summer season and Braxton had a few games in the summer and played some Fall ball as well. It was a nice change of pace. He also had a complete (although 0-6) football season. Even with distancing and having to follow certain guidelines, it was still nice to have something to look forward to and spend time outside, not in our own yard. We had a few play dates, a few dinner dates, and so many laughs. We lost our kitty to someone hateful and mean, but have gained two more little kitten angels. They’re fiesty and crazy but very lovey and sweet. And we still have our old man dog Brutus. We made some improvements on the house, gutted and renovated the bathroom and have so much more planned, with the help of our parents. (Thanks, Jim, Pattie, Shari, Ken and Gaby! And Sof too for being so great with the boys๐Ÿ’—) My mind is always looking for new ways to update, upgrade, organize or try to get this house in some kind of functional order. Newer obsession is... laundry room makeovers. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️

2020 saw Ryan and I to an 8th year married. I saw a meme the other day that said something along the lines of... I’ve never been more in love with someone that I’ve wanted to punch in the face sometimes. While we drive each other crazy occasionally, he’s the best. We are each other’s calm, especially when one of us is spiraling. He is another kid, a big kid, and our boys love him so much... Even his ridiculous hair cuts and facial hair changes. He is their playmate and friend and wrestling partner and napping buddy. And he’s perfect for me and our family. ❤️ This year also saw the boys each to a new grade in school. Logan is in 10th and turned 16 ๐Ÿคข. He got his permit when shutdown was lifted and is now working on his license process. Double ๐Ÿคข. Dryden is in 8th and turned 14. After some serious talks, some big steps and driving back and forth lots and lots, Dryden is with us during the week, and is officially a Red Knight! He is doing so well at transitioning, he has a ton of friends, is currently on the 8th grade basketball team, and is developing his own personality, very much like his Dad. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ We are so happy with how he’s handled everything and he is so happy being here. Braxton is in 3rd grade and turned 9. He is at the age where he wants to be big and bad like the older boys, but is still a boy and only 9. He has grown up teeth, so his looks are changing and it feels like he’s going to be 13 tomorrow. He excels in school, and has continued  to be the sweet, considerate boy that the teachers know and love. He’s a sour patch kid, but saves all of the sour for us. And that’s fine by me. Magnus and Sheamus are in Kindergarten and will soon turn 6. I am NOT ready for that. Sheamus had a rough start at first, with not wanting to leave home for school. But he got through it with the help of us and his awesome teacher, and he is flourishing. Magnus has an amazing team of teachers, and has matured so much this first half of the school year. He is learning a lot and is impressing us all of the time with new knowledge. His recognition of alphabet is so much better and he is learning to write his letters and name. He had his two-year EEG in August, which still shows some seizure activity when he sleeps. So we continue his meds and see what the new year brings. He has a lot of laxity in his thumbs, and has had splints for them in the past to help strengthen his tendons, however, it didn’t help. We will schedule to see Ortho to plan our next step, which is surgery to tighten the tendons. He does well with this setback, however it is starting to hinder him in school activities such as cutting with scissors and counting on his fingers. But he is amazing and resilient and takes everything in stride. I have no doubt he will do fabulous at this new chapter in his story. 

If there is anything that 2020 has taught me, is that when things get back to whatever normal will be, it is so, so important to spend time with the people you love and care for most. While I love my job and am very fortunate, I see them regularly, and way more than friends and family. Our bonds at work are stronger, but nothing beats family and friend time. And I feel like, had we seen them and been around them more BEFORE COVID, our mix of germs and exposure risks would have been less had we gotten together during. I don’t know, maybe I’m just reaching. But I love to entertain, and hold a few holidays at our Home every year. I was doing Paint N Sips here, we were Planning family game nights. And friend game nights. And it all halted. I AM going to throw a banger of a party when things are safer, and I can’t wait to start planning.

I have a long weekend, and lots of chores to do. Because, let’s face it, during the week, I want to do nothing but eat and play on the new Nintendo Switch I bought Ryan for Christmas, sometimes having online battles with my brother and his family on Mario Kart. We miss them so much. ❤️ FaceTime is a wonderful invention, but nothing beats sitting in a room with your favorite people, playing games, laughing and enjoying each other’s energy. But now I get started on laundry, cleaning out toys, scrubbing down the bathroom and, as always, Pee on the seat. 

Much love to all in the new year. Be kind. Be love.
 Be better. ❤️


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