No relaxing for you...

9:25p  There is no better feeling than putting your kids to bed for the night, grabbing a cup of tea, and heading to a nice bubble bath. While the bath was running, I put a load of clothes in the dryer, so my chores at the end of this day are done. I anticipate bliss. Quiet. Peace.... 
que crying Sheamus. 

He doesn’t know why he’s crying. He can’t give me a reason. He just knows that I am relaxing and has to go and break the silence. Because God knows that’s I can’t have more than a minute or two of peace and quiet. And just when I think he’s calmed down, he starts again. That whiny, half asleep crying. That’s made just so you hear them. Give in, kid. Let the sweet sounds of your white noise machine lull you to sleep. You have zero worries in this life, aside from when you get to eat the apple cake because it wasn’t done before bedtime. And we’ve already told you that you can have it tomorrow. 

He’s slowing, but I have a feeling this will keep up, past when my bath water has cooled, the bubbles have all gone, and my tea is tepid. Because it’s like they know. His spidey senses are tingling. ‘Moms in the bath without me. How. Dare. She.’ 

9:49p  I give up. I tried to relax, but no dice. So I shaved my legs (mostly), got out and am now in my PJs. I asked Ry to go check on him because he had been crying the entire time I was in the tub (idk how he couldn’t hear him). He goes in, tells him to relax, pets his hair a couple times, and boom. All is silent. 

God. Dammit. 


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