Naked pizza on the porch

It’s almost 9:30a.m. And my kids are still sleeping after a long day at the ball field celebrating Dry’s championship, (Great job, buddy. We are so, so proud of you!) followed by hurrying home to stuff pizza in our face in time to walk to our spot to watch the fireworks. I’m exhausted. And I know they have to be. They ran and played and ran some more, all day, until almost midnight. The latest they’ve ever been allowed to stay up. Ever. 

Because if they don’t get enough sleep, they’re nightmares. They get it honest, I’ll admit. I definitely need at least 8 GOOD hours of sleep, but I could go way, way longer if given the opportunity. I’m a marathon sleeper. Some like to run. I like to sleep. 
So imagine my surprise when, after hearing them at 6:05, and dragging my body into their room, getting them a fresh cup of milk, and tucking them back in, I go back to bed and fall asleep again myself. I open my eyes and look at my phone, expecting it to be in the 7:00 range, to see the number NINE!!! 9:00. A.M. 9:00. What do I do with myself? I’m elated! I’m alone! It’s quiet! What a feeling. So I quietly get up, make myself a cup of tea, and head to the porch. I don’t even dare go near the bathroom because it’s connected to their room and I don’t want to tempt this amazing twist of fate. 

But as I sit on the porch alone, I start to want something a little more than my phone and my tea. I want my book. I want to read in peace. On the porch with my tea. So I begin an internal debate, which goes a little something like “I could tiptoe into my room, quietly, grab it real fast, and get out. But what if they hear me? They couldn’t possible hear me. But what if they sense me? Sense my excitement? Just be quick about it. In and out. Fast. But what if they open their door just in the exact moment that I’m in the hall and they see me? Then they’ll be yelling for me. No, no, I can’t. It’s too risky. You can’t have it all. You should’ve grabbed it on your way out. Rookie mistake. You can’t go back now. It’s too big of a risk to take for reading on the porch in silence. You’ll just have to wait another 3.5 years when this moment comes again. You blew it. Enjoy your tea.” 

And so I sit, and type this Blogpost, because it’s been a while, and it’s been crazy here in our world. And I finally have a minute to drink my tea in silence. Baseball season is officially over and our July is empty! It’s the first in YEARS that we don’t have to run all summer, and it’s a weird feel...

I hear them now, beckoning me from their cave. Wanting fed. Changed. And to reek havoc on the day. 

Someone let them out of their room. And now they’re standing before me, naked, with leftover pizza in hand. I didn’t see that coming. 

Good day, readers! ❤️


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