... all before 7:30...

This morning has been quite eventful. Sheamus has been going off and on with a stomach bug, where he will get sick to his stomach once, and then be fine. Have a messy diaper, then be fine. It’s the weirdest thing. 

So this morning, they’re up by 6:00a. He keeps saying his belly hurts but says he doesn’t have to “choke”. His gas is horrid. So I figure that’s it. Magnus is playing and says he needs to pee. He depants, and goes on the potty! Yay! I tell him no diaper today, put his pants back on and say that if he has to go potty, let us know so he can go like a big boy! 

(I should preface this next part with a backstory. Magnus HATES pooping. Hates it. He won’t go for days, and when he does, everything stops, he “doesn’t like it” until he’s done. Repeats it over and over. But when he’s done, it’s a relief and he’s as happy as ever. But during those few minutes, it’s intense and he hates everything and everyone. He doesn’t want to talk about it, or anything else for that matter. We just leave him alone until he’s happy again.) 

So he’s standing on the toy box, looking out the window and I notice he is making some noises. I tell him that if he has to go potty, to tell me because he’s not wearing a diaper. He says “ok mommy” but in a grunting voice. I said “Magnus, don’t poop your pants!” He says “ok” grunting hard. Next thing you know, he’s FLIPPING OUT because it went down his pant leg and is falling out. Good GOD!!!! So I’m running to get the wipes and paper towels and Lysol, all while he’s freaking out, and start to clean it up. I get him and his mess straightened out, go get him some clothes to then hear Sheamus losing HIS mind. Not sure what set him off, but he threw up everywhere! Multiple times! Seriously! Why? So I yell at Braxton to go wake up Ryan. He comes out as I’m resolving the carpet, helps get Sheamus calmed and undressed. This was allll before 7:30. Magnus and Sheamus are watching me clean up their messes, making “yuck” noises the whole time. Really? You’re grossed out?! 

It’s now 8:19, and they have all decided they feel great, have made a picnic in the dining room of Capri-sun and pretzel rods. When Ryan was yelling at them to get out of the kitchen, Magnus responded with “No talka me, talka Mommy”. They are hanging out, chatting and Braxton says “let’s eat some pretzels while we drink”. Lamantia’s pub is now open. Lol. 

If this is any indication how the rest of the day is gonna play out, I’m good. You’ll find me hiding under the covers. I can’t get the sour smell out of my nose. 

Happy Saturday, everyone!!!!!


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