
I made myself a waffle

And sat down with my tea 

My middle child came in 

Said “do you have one for me”

Moments before I sat down,

I asked if he would rather have waffles or toast

He said he wanted toast and milk

I should’ve known, for waffles he likes most

The twins wanted waffles also

And Dryden toast, per the norm

If only I had known that making what they asked for would turn into a shit storm

I presented the twins with their breakfast

“I don’t yike waffles!” They exclaimed.

“Mom he’s taking my toast” Braxton said,

To which I tried to explain.

“You asked for waffles, I don’t understand. 

That’s Braxton’s toast that he asked for”

“No! I don’t want it, I want toast!” 

Waffles, meet the floor. 

Seconds later, Braxton starts whining, 

that he has a sore in his mouth. 

The twins are writhing on the floor

This breakfast sure went south. 

“This toast is hurting. Can I have waffles?” 

Great.... there aren’t anymore. 

“No you can’t, that’s why I gave you 

The option between the two before!”

I look down at my plate and realize

That it just wasn’t meant to be. 

“Here Braxton, come get this waffle” 

As Magnus is sneaking toys in my tea. 

“Sheamus, here, you take his toast” 

Magnus - “I want some!”

You get a piece, and you get a piece. 

There, my moment has finally come. 

I try to sit in peace for a few moments,

While everyone’s desires are filled. 

It doesn’t last very long... 

cue fighting, and crying. I’m thrilled. 

Dryden ate his toast, Braxton his waffle, 

The twins have picked and moved on. 

There are now remnants of toast and waffles

Strewn about, like dog poop on the lawn. 

I’m tired, the day started too soon,

And it’s only 8:30. 

Happy Sunday to you all, enjoy your toast

And your Marvel mini-figure filled tea. 


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