Tamiflu for Everyone!!!!

January 4, 2018.... Let that sink in a bit. 2018. (I don't feel like I'm old enough to be 34; I still feel like it's 2001.) According my WTForecast app, it is currently 13* outside, but feels like -4*. Tomorrow is looking to be even colder, and schools are already canceling. Our kids had a delay for the cold yesterday, so I'm anxious to see if they will delay again tomorrow. A lot of area schools have canceled school and any extra-curricular activities until Monday. And not because of snow. But, because of cold. the COLD! This is crazy! I don't remember it being this way when I was young, but then again, we also had it easy and didn't have to walk uphill in feet of snow with no shoes on. 😏

I noticed it had been a good month since I last posted. I knew it had been a while, but didn't realize it was a whole month. I don't know how some people blog, or vlog, so frequently. I feel like I would have to have my camera or app open at all times to make sure I didn't miss anything. Christmas time is hectic enough on it's own, let alone with 168413246 kids and family and school parties and family parties. We stuck with our plan and finished shopping before December, but there is always that last minute gift for the person you forgot to buy for, and the stocking stuff, and the meal prep. As stress free as we tried to make it, there was still stress. And.... we were sick! Of course we were sick. The whole damn Tri-State area was sick. My nephew came into work on the 22nd and got his POSITIVE Influenza results on the 23rd. So, guess who's house all got Tamiflu for Christmas!!! Only for the 3 younger ones, as they had been around him most recent than the older 2. But nonetheless, the older 2 got sick. I believe Dryden took a whole 24 hours to start sniffling and barking. Logan has been fighting something off and on for a good month. But, that's also what happens when you don't consistently wear a winter coat, and NEVER wear something on your head. Hell, he was still wearing gym shorts to school up until December! So, that was fun.

I did not enjoy being a sick Santa. We have Christmas Eve at my house every year and I disinfected my house more than I have ever before. We still held it, and it went well. But my In-laws stayed home, as not to spread their funk, and save their energy for Christmas Day. We stayed in our house the entire long weekend. Ryan left, only for Dryden's transportation. But that's it.I spent a LOT of time in pajamas. And we took many naps. I love naps. I love sleeping. I feel like I never get enough sleep, like I'm perpetually tired, and could take a nap at any given point of any day. I wonder if this will ever go away? Or will I always cuss when I have to get out of bed. Because these days, I cuss. Even on the weekends. Because I love sleep. LOVE. IT.

But seriously, overall, our December was great. Braxton turned 6, and said that his Birthday was the greatest day of his life. Our annual work Christmas party was on the 8th, and I have to say that Marissa and I killed it. We were in charge of decorations and setup, and aside from a mishap with the shuttle bus getting lost, I think it went really well. The venue was awesome, and exactly what we were looking for. www.rollingacresgolf.com.

My Dad came in to visit for a few days, and we got to hang out and do nothing with him. It was really nice to do nothing. For many years, when he would visit, it was always go go go, but this visit was different. He didn't stay long, but it was great while he was here. And he enjoyed himself as well. We had to transition Magnus to a new seizure med, as his old one was causing behavioral side effects. Dad got front row seats for that. The side effects didn't go away like we had hoped, so we had to start him on another medicine on top of the seizure medicine. We started with such a small dose, but it knocked my boy on his ass. The kid who is constantly going, and only naps for about 45 minutes, was going on hour 3 when he finally woke up. 

The dose, being as small as it was, made him very groggy. So we halved that. He takes it in the morning, and then the normal dose before bed. He is getting used to the medicine and isn't as groggy as he was, but boy, did it do a number on him. He was stoned a LOT that weekend. Luckily, it's a medicine that can grow with him. And because he is at such a low dose, and it is working so well for him, we can adjust as he gains weight and gets older. He is a calmer kid. He doesn't completely Hulk out like he did in the past, and when we tell him to do/not do something, it is NOT a fight like it used to be. Instead, it's "Ok Mommy." He can still be a shit, but I think that's with any almost 3 year old.

Magnus and Sheamus turn 3 in a few weeks. Their birthday falls on a Friday this year, and the following Monday, they get to start school. We found on on December 20 that they both qualify for an IEP and can attend preschool as an early admittance. They will be in different classrooms, across the hall from each other. I worry, so much, that they will be lost without each other, but the teachers have assured me that they will do fine. And, they have been great as far as flexibility goes. We can send them every day if we would like, and we get to choose their schedule; whatever is best for them. They will both receive therapies at school, which will be great in helping them to develop and learn. I'm so excited for them, but so nervous and anxious for them. They aren't potty trained yet, and can be hard to understand at times. Will they get sad when they see Braxton but can't go with him? Will they try to leave class to go look for him? Will they be scared? They can't climb the steps alone. And Magnus is a runner. Will they have to call me daily because they are melting down? Will they cry for each other? Who will help them with their milk? What if someone picks on them? Makes fun of them because they can't speak well? Will Magnus lash out and hit because he's mad? What if he has a seizure? Do they know what to do? What to look for? AHHHHHHH!!!!! Being a parent is hard. Worrying is exhausting. But, I have to put all that aside and pray and hope for the best. I'm sure we will have bad days, but I am also confident that we will have good days, too. It's a look at what our academic future will be like, with two in the same grade, and both with some delays. The staff at KES has been fabulous so far, so I can only expect it to can continue. Times like this are when I am most thankful and grateful for a small town, where we all can talk to each other and they will know my boys, and get to know them how we know them. At least that's my hope. 

So, It's January, which means that it's New Year's Resolution time. I don't like to make them, because a lot of them are just setting you up for failure. Every year, I do try to be a little more organized, and to be an overall better person than I was before. Better Mom, Better Wife, Better Employee, Better Friend, Better Family Member. Just Better. One of my co-workers took her boys to see a therapist after she and her husband split, and the therapist had a very good point. Worry less, Have more fun. She said that she kept repeating it, throughout the whole session. Although she was saying it to the kids, I feel like it's something that we all need to try as well. I know I get so caught up in the every day chaos, that I stress myself out. Alot. Especially when things don't go as I have planned. Because I constantly make up these scenarios in my head, and when they don't fall how I imagine, my mood goes to shit and I freak out. I realllllllyyyyy need to stop doing that. It's going to be hard, because it's how I've been wired for so long. But I resolve to make a conscious effort to change. Because honestly, I judge myself way more than others are judging me. Life can't be perfect. Plans go awry. Things happen. Houses stay dirty for a day. And really, it's just a little Pee on the seat. Cheers to a Fun and Prosperous New Year! 💃🏻🍻🥂🍾❤️


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