Floodles. Yea, I made that up.

I can't believe it's November 30th. Tomorrow is December 1st! (Happy Birthday, Carmen!) December. And in a month from now, we will be moving into 2018!!!!! I know the saying is that Time is fleeting, but honestly, as I get older, and the kids are growing, it really does go fast. It's crazy how some days seem like they drag, like they will never end, like bedtime can't come soon enough, yet here we are. November 30th, 2017. I still feel like I'm in my 20s. To think that I have 5 kids, and that my oldest is now THIRTEEN.... it's mind boggling.

Anyway.... Here is sit, on November 30th, at 8:30 at night, in silence. Sweet, sweet silence. Big Bang Theory is on, the Christmas Tree is lit, and I am scarfing Mom's pumpkin roll like it's going to turn bad in 30 seconds. Ryan and Braxton are at Dryden's first basketball game of the season (edited: they won 19-18! WOOOO!), and the babies are sleeping soundly. *Sigh* These moments are few and far between. Insert content face emoji *here*. 

Yea, so, Logan turned 13 on November 19th. It makes me sad. and disgusted. and want to barf all at the same time. This is a tough age, an awkward stage, where he is changing, and being more private about things and testing his bounds and... just turning into a teenager. I don't like it. I have so many fears for him, as a teenager, as a growing person, as a gentleman, or at least what I am trying to make him. And he's just the first one. We have 4 more to do this with. I'm hoping it gets easier with experience, or learning from our mistakes. Either way, it's a long ride coming. Ughhhhh...

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Ryan's parents and sister came over for dinner, as well as my Mom and Greg, my Aunt and my cousins little ones. We each were in charge of bringing something to the table, literally. Ryan makes a kick-ass homemade cranberry sauce, which he was in charge of making again this year. On Thanksgiving Eve, I taught Bre how to make Homemade Egg Noodles, while Ryan made his sauce and prepped stuff for the next day. The archway between the dining room and living room is pretty wide, so I stacked chairs on top of each other to block the littlest heathens from intruding on our flour and egg workspace. However, you would have though the we had cut one of Maverick's fingers off with how bad he was crying because he couldn't be thisclose to Bre. So, one of the stacks of chairs came down. They stayed away pretty well, with only minimal hand smacking, or running around the dining room table. LOL. Meanwhile, I am getting messages from a girl at work who is coming to pick up her Pumpkin Roll. I have been Mom's Pumpkin Roll bitch these past couple weeks. They are stored in my freezer, and I am in town, so it makes sense, blah blah blah. Anyway. We get the noodles rolled out and cut, and they are some fat noodles, so we are trying to squish them down a little and roll them in strands, kinda like how you make snakes with Play-doh. We get them all done, put them on the floured towels and start to clean up our mess. I'm not sure if you know this, but our house is pretty chaotic, all the time, until bed time. The saying "Son up to son down" is just that. As soon as their feet hit the floor. So you can imagine how chaotic it would be with another boy, while the grown-ups are in the dining room/kitchen area. We start to clean up, and Bre sees someone parked outside of the house. She says "I think Julie is here to get her roll." I say "Awesome. She's gonna walk in to complete chaos". And we chuckle. Bre then says, "Where are the noodles?" To which I reply "I folded them up in the towel and left them on the table." She says "Ok." We keep cleaning up, and then she says "They aren't there." As I am walking from the kitchen to the dining room, Julie walks in the house to see a towel full of noodles, laying on the living room floor, sprawled out everywhere. She looks at the boys and sees Magnus with a raw noodle hanging out of his lip, and she asks "Who made this mess?" Sheamus gives her the cheesiest guilty smile and says "MAGGERS!!!" Threw him right under the bus. Meanwhile, we are trying to keep everyone away from the floor noodles so we can salvage what little bit we could. Luckily, a lot were still on the towel, and we had just vacuumed to prepare for company the next day, so there was minimal damage. From now on, we call them Floodles. Floor Noodles.

I feel like it wasn't meant to be with us having noodles. I got up and wanted to start the noodles in the crock pot. I poured the broth in, then the noodles, then the food coloring. ;) I realized that I didn't boil the noodles before putting them in the crock pot. So I took the liner out and put it on the stove top to heat them up. I was FaceTiming Kenny, chatting it up and singing to Christmas music while we both were prepping stuff, when all of a sudden, we hear a BIG boom. Yea. Ever put a crock pot liner on a stovetop and turn it on? Well, you can't. Or it will heat too fast and crack the porcelain. Broth started going EVERYWHERE! Many cursings were done, and Kenny hung up on me, saying "Call me back bye." Not that he could've done anything, but at least it would've been moral support! LOL. I hurried up and put them in a pot with a lid, and that was how they stayed, for the rest of the day. Again, they were delicious, and everyone enjoyed them, but good God, not without incident. Lessons learned!

I DID go Black Friday shopping with Marissa and Shawna. It was a great time. Not near as crowded as anticipated. We weren't looking for anything specific, which made it less stressful. But we did find some great deals and I am happy to say that my goal of being done Christmas shopping by December 1, is ACCOMPLISHED!!!! Ryan started shopping in August, and I am so thankful he did. December is going to be so pleasant. Logan's first Basketball game as a Red Knight is Monday, and I look forward to watching him play on a school team, with his peers instead of against them. I get to craft some decorations for our work Christmas Party, and Christmas cards are ready to be sent out. (Yes, Mother, yours is in there too!) My aunt is my Elf helper, and she wraps all of my gifts, for a fee of course. (If anyone is interested in her helping you out, send me a message!) We don't have enough room to hide everything, let alone for me to find a place to wrap it all. So this is a life saver. I am looking forward to being as calm and stress-less as possible. Ha. That's a good one. Me, stress less. Ha. I crack myself up.

The tree went up, the outside is decorated, and I am going to stare at the lights for a little while. It's now 9:00, Braxton and Ryan just got home, and he has suddenly started bottle flipping again. UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Good night, Blog Readers. I'm Veronica Corningstone... Thanks for stopping by.


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