Apple Slice Welts and Pissy Diet Coke

What is it about Mom and Dad's bed that makes it so appealing? At one point this morning, I had 4/5 of the kids in our bed, all before 7:30. If Dryden had been at the house, I know he would've snuck his way in too. ❤️

I remember when I was little,

We were only allowed to lay in our parents bed on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons, specifically, PeeWee Herman. LOL. But any other time, we were not allowed in their room, bed, nothing. I understand that it is a habit that you don't want to start, knowing first hand how hard it was getting my oldest out of my bed once I got married. But Braxton and the babies LOVE laying in our bed, even if its just to lay and watch those God awful videos on YouTube. Braxton has finally broken the habit of wanting to sleep with us every night, and will only sneak in every once in a while. The babies have NEVER been allowed in bed with us, unless its under dire circumstances like the other one is sick or something. But its like once its close to morning wake up time, its fair game and a free for all. Ryan usually gets up for work around 5:15-5:30. It's like they know I'm alone in bed for a bit. On mornings that Logan gets dropped off on his Dads way to work, he usually goes straight to his room. But this morning, he snuck in and passed out. The babies were up around 6:20, which is too early to think, so I put them in my place and lay with them for a bit. They are getting to the point where, if I try to just take them into the living room, they whine that they want "in you bed". And once the entire house was up, here comes Braxton. 

I understand why parents don't want to start the habit of it, and I also understand that its sometimes the place where parents are intimate, but lets be real, how much of it is really done "between the sheets"? I honestly think it is a sense of security. It's a safe, warm and cozy place for them to relax. And of course, it's bigger than their beds. I know I LOVED laying in my parents bed, snugging down and just vegging. Is it because we can all lay together? Whatever it is, I love morning snuggles. It's the only time that I can actually relax with them. And its not chaotic... yet. And I know that my time is limited with them actually wanting to do it, so I cave. Every morning just about. I hate to think that they are almost 3, Braxton 6, Logan THIRTEEN, and Dryden just turned 11. It's fleeting. It's flying. And I hate it. So I'll snuggle them a little longer. Even if it is at 6:00 in the morning and all I want to do is sleep. 

Now, a couple of funny highlights from our week. 

Daddy sometimes likes to get a little crazy with the kids. And it's seriously right after I do a blog post that something else happens that it hilarious. The two youngest were doing their normal crazy... doing laps around the dining room table after making a HUGE mess of their Happy Meals. (They are at the point where, when they are done, they dump their drink in their nugget box, and make everything disgusting.) They didn't touch their apple slices, but HAD to have them open, so they were strewn all along the floor. Ryan yelled for them to come in and pick them up, to which they said No! So, Ryan decided to throw one at them whilst running. Cue crying. I walk in and Sheamus is crying so hard his lips are blue. I ask what happened. I go into the living room where Ryan and Magnus are hiding under a blanket on the floor. No one will answer and Sheamus is too hysterical to talk. After a few, he calms down. He finally tells me that Daddy threw an apple at him and it hit him in the face. I look and there is a WELT from a freaking apple slice!!!!!! What are the odds that it would connect there? Ryan said he knew I would yell, so he hid. 🤦🏻‍♀️Oy vey!!!!🤷🏻‍♀️

This here....

This is a potty seat. Usually, they tell us when they have peed, and we all clap and praise and yada yada. Well, on this particular day, they decided they were going to keep it a secret, and instead put an unopened can of Diet Coke in the pee. and play with it. And take it out and put it back in. Not sure how well you can see, but there are footprints of urine on the floor. That was super fun to clean up... and Bane LOVES to help... by drinking it and licking it up. I want to effing puke. 

Lastly, we were the Justice League for Halloween. 

Ryan was the villain DeathStroke. I love that we can do a big group costume and I whole-heartedly hope to continue to do them, as long everyone is willing to play along. We are already thinking of possibilities for next year. And as long as "Blake" continues his streak on being grounded around Halloween (two years running), his punishment will be that he HAS to participate. Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!! His mouth and grades get him in a little trouble, and I don't foresee that changing in the future. He has no clue what he's in for. LOL. I do know that they secretly loved it; Dryden asked on his way back to his Mom's that night what we were going to do for next year. I'd say it was a success!!! 

That's all I have for now. Love and hugs to all! Be kind to one another, and enjoy the little things... especially the snugs and cuds! 



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