A day with Magnus....

5:30a.m. Cue Loud Mouth Larry.

Every. Effing. Morning.

When will this kid learn to love sleep like the rest of us? And when I say "Why is Everyone Screaming", it's mainly because of him. As soon as he wakes up. Why does my household ALLLL have to be awake and romping around by 6:30? I don't even set an alarm to wake up in the mornings anymore, because I know that Magnus' loud mouth will be the alarm. He is NEVER quiet. He stands at the gate outside of their door and yells... "MOMMY! MOMMY! I. WANT. OUT!" And it's always in his deep smoker voice. "SHEAMUTH WAKE UP!!!!!" Poor Sheamus. He never gets to sleep in, even if he wants to. Ideally, we would go in the living room, put on cartoons and snuggle. But Noooooo... someone has to get into EVERYTHING, climb on tables, yell for MILK!!!! I so badly want to wake him up around 10:00p and ask for things and scream. But then he would think it was play time and want to stay up. And there's no way Mama is up for that. I'm tired, guys. Like, real tired. Like, I could lay my head down at any given point of the day and take a nap, tired. Ughhh... such is this life. 

I feel like most of my points of discussion this week are going to be Magnus based, as he is the biggest A-hole of them all. And I mean that in the sweetest way possible. I love him, But he is an A-hole. And he doesn't know he is being an A-hole. Which makes it even worse. Because we can't tell him to stop. Or he stares holes into our souls and continues to do A-hole things. Case in point 15434289: Not only does he love to yell for Sheamuth to wake up, but he likes to yell at him while he is sleeping to "No say bad words!!!" He is stuck on it. He yells at Sheamus to "No say F*ckayou, Sheamuth!" Uh, hi. You just said it. I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to either. But when you ask him what he says, he just looks at you like YOU are the one who cursed and makes you question your question. Point 15434290: He LOVES to climb on the dining room table. We say to get down. He yells NO! We ask him again. He still yells. It always ends with us physically picking him up off the table. He gets pissed. Drags a chair over to the bar or Hoosier cabinet, and climbs up on it. Gets into things that he shouldn't. We yell to get down. He says NO! And this goes on, and on, until we physically get him down. He then drags the chair over to the shelves that surround the bay window and gets into things that are put there so they can't reach them. No idea what half of the stuff is and why, but that's another story. He found something that has metal on the end, so where does he go??? Directly to the outlet, unplugs the lamp and tries to stick the metal piece into the socket. Dear Jesus, I about had a fricking heart attack. I couldn't get over there fast enough, but I yank whatever it was out of his hand and tossed it into the kitchen 2 rooms away. Then, I'm told, "You're mean." Yep! Just trying to save your life, jerk! He dumps things out, yesterday was a basket of socks and a bag of Wavy Lays I had bought for myself to enjoy some french onion dip with. So much for that! A-hole! And, they decided to use the Hulk in the background of the picture to crush them up and then throw them in the air like they are confetti. (This was before the chip confetti party.)

He took apart the remote and displaces the batteries. We ask him for the remote back and he says NO! We ask again. NO! Ryan calmly asks for it PLEASE and he says Ok! What... the... hell. I told Ryan that he is like Will Ferrell's character on Austin Powers; "I can't stand to be asked the same question 3 times!" He fights to have his diaper changed, but then says "Ok..." after he grabs a couple "guys". Because we always need John Cena et al to power through a diaper changing. The other morning, my MIL was giving him his meds. He was laying down on the couch, and he was smiling up at her. She said "What are you smiling at?" in a sweet tone. He continues to smile at her and whispers "F*ckayou". all the while, still smiling. Oh. My. LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! 

These 2 had the assessments for early admission to preschool when they turn 3 in January. We had to do 4 separate assessments, for 2 different kids. Guess who lay on the floor and wouldn't participate, would open and close every drawer and cabinet, and open the classroom doors and bolt down the halls!? Yep, you guessed it... Magnus. He also went for those big blue stairs at one point. Pure panic set in. And he looks at me like I'm crazy. Oh this kid.... He is so damn cute and sweet, but he just doesn't get it. He doesn't comprehend things that we need him to yet. It makes for good days, but it makes for some very challenging ones as well. I like to compare him to a cat.... Everything is on his terms, when he wants, and how he wants. If he isn't happy, he yells until you fix it. He doesn't want to be touched unless he lets you know. Otherwise, leave him alone. He's a one man wolf-pack. He will come over to you and lay on your lap one minute, and then hit you in the face with a toy in the next. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Is it the seizure meds? Is it the after effects of the seizures? Is it the lack of oxygen at birth? We will never know why. We just know it's going to be a rough road ahead. And we know that we love this kid, so much that it hurts, and maybe sometimes more than his brothers, because he has had a rough go. His dimples are the cutest dimples I’ve ever seen, and his laugh is contagious. When he does wake up at the ass crack of dawn, he loves to “hold you”. His favorite things are chips and search and point books. He kicks the shit out of everyone at those! Plus, he is so damn cute. And can be so sweet and loving. ❤️

But man.... can he be an A-hole. And I won't even get started about potty training... and the amount of urine that he leaves behind... He gives zero f$*#s. ZERO!


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