To our sweet Alfie....


So much has happened in a little over a week, that I do not know where to begin. In our life, our country, our World.... a week seems like such a short amount of time, but good God can it be packed full of ups and downs, roller coasters of emotions, and anything this Universe can dish up. So, I guess I'll start with this.....

For those that read this, know that I will strive to always bring happiness, laughter, and encouragement. I know it sounds cliché and 70's, but our world seriously needs more LOVE, more hugs and more laughter. It seems things are taken WAY to serious, mountains made of mole hills, and feelings hurt over piddly stuff. Even on bad days, when you have to put your Old Man dog down, to spare his body any more pain, there is still fun and silliness, especially in the eyes and actions of a couple of 2 1/2 year olds. While I sobbed the entire way home, which is something I RARELY do, I came home to arms wide open, smiles happy to see me, oblivious to the heartache I was feeling. I am grateful that they are so pure and innocent, that they are naïve to the crazy in the world, and that all they wanted to do was hang out with me, "help" me fold laundry, watch movies and eat chips. And I loved every minute of it. It helped heal my soul, even if it was just a little bit. When all I wanted to do was climb into bed and pull the covers over my head, they forced me to live and laugh. And they will never know how much I appreciate that. Because all they cared about was running naked through the house and then squeezing their little butts under the blanket on my lap. And man, do they have the cutest little butts.

On a lighter note, we had the usual crazy happen. Last Thursday evening, "someone" had a POGO stick accident. Yep, you read that right. a POGO stick. He fell and hit his arm and had to have X-rays. They were concerned for the growth plate, so they put him in a sling and wanted to X-ray him again on Monday. Fortunately by Sunday, and in time to go back to his Mom's house, Dryden was doing just fine. :)  Crisis averted!

Logan finished up Fall Ball this weekend; for that we are all relieved. While he loves baseball, being a preteen, it cuts into his social life and how dare that happen! While I LOVE to watch him play, it will be nice to not have to spend 3 hours at the ball field every Saturday. Plus, Basketball will be starting soon, so we could use the break.

Braxton is Braxton. He makes us laugh every single day. He is so damn rotten, but so cute, it gets him out of trouble. He had an "incident" where he was throwing his stuffed Spiderman around his room and hit his fan, snapping a blade completely off. He came out on the porch in the sweetest voice and said "Mommy, something happened." I immediately thought something was on fire or God knows what. Thankfully, it was just the fan blade. I gave him the choice to get a spanking with the blade or to pay for the new fan, and he chose the blade!!!!! He didn't want to use HIS money to buy a fan because it costs "a lot of dollars". He had himself so worked up over it, that he couldn't see that we were just messing with him. a few love pats later and he was giggling his way back into his room, minus a fan blade. One of many broken things to happen in our home.

 And the twins, well, are the twins. They are insane. They can be so good and lovey and playing so nicely, and then I turn my back for 3 minutes to get piss towels out of the dryer to find them stomping around in the dining room on all the packing peanuts from the Gold Canyon order we got. Ughhhhh.... that was the WORST to clean up. Because God knows, they LOVE to stick to everything. It's 2017. Come on with the packing peanuts already.

... This was our week-ish, in a nutshell. While its Thursday, and the crazy only continues, I look forward to some downtime this weekend, after baseball, before Titans football, and somewhere around meal time and cleaning. Because naturally, the bathroom smells like urine and gross and boy, and there is always pee on the seat...


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