Blogging from a Bubble Bath’s been one of those days.... 

The kind of day where you feel like the smallest things are ticking away at you, and you are one more “Sarah/Mom/Babe” away from completely melting into the floor. And to top it off, there’s a status going around FB, promoting awareness (in light of this whole Harvey Weinstein bullshit) to sexual harassment/misconduct/assault in women. Women who aren’t actresses, but every day people. It’s eye opening. And painful. No matter if it was something said inappropriately, or the full enchilada of assault/molestation/rape, it’s crazy to think of how many endured and overcame it. It’s heart warming to know you aren’t alone, in whatever aspect it was, but sad at the same time, to think that this is something we have all had to get over. Fuck those people who have made us feel any type of way other than happy. In the words of Celia Rae Foote, “You know what I’d do if I were you? I’d give it right back to him. I’d hit him over the head with a skillet and I’d tell him to go straight to hell.” If only..... 

But enough seriousness.... we need to laugh! We had a nice relaxing week of barely anything to do.... aside of the normal piss laundry, cooking, sweeping and vacuuming. The twins have now decided that bedtime is the perfect time to rat each other out. I preface this by saying that Magnus has a lisp and Sheamus has a German accent, which makes it all the more funny. Mainly the conversation is this... 
Magnus “Theamuth thay bad word”
Me or Ryan “Aww Sheamus! Did you say a bad word?!” 
Sheamus “I dint say bad verd” 
Me or Ryan “mag, what did he say?! 
Mag whispers “fuckayou” ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️
Every. Single. Night.    I’m not sure if he thinks that by whispering it, he won’t get in trouble, but it’s hilarious and so hard to keep a straight face. Sheamus of course gets pissed and says “nunh unh, I no say bad verd” a bunch. It definitely makes bedtime interesting. They keep us entertained for sure. 

Friday night, Shawna came over and we had dinner with her. She got to actually sit with us at dinner time and witness the mayhem that is. We did have somewhat of a serious talk with the older 2 about #nationalcomingoutday because someone very special to us took the leap and did just that. We wanted to know what they knew about “Coming Out” and what LGBT is, which to no surprise, they knew all about. It was nice to know that we have raised them to know that we are no different, and that love is love, and he is still the awesome person he was, just now even better for Troy being himself. And then Braxton comes in with “I like to watch Minions”. And that was that. The conversation was such a non-issue that Braxton even felt comfortable to share his love of Minions. Magnus and Sheamus chime in with a “minions!!!!!!” And that was that. Shawna loved it. And wished she would’ve recorded it. 

Our night has been low key tonight. Sheamus has walked around for the last 2 hours with a backpack, shoes and hat one, wanting to go to school and throwing a FIT when we tell him it’s not time. Poor kid. But I’ll take the quiet night. The mellow, cereal for dinner nights, the cheese it’s and hot dog nights. Because sometimes, they’re what we all need to decompress. 

For now, my bubbles are about gone, the water in now tepid, and I have to wash my hair. Braxton just interrupted me, because someone always always always has to pee while I’m in the tub. So guess what’s next.... cleaning off that damn toilet seat....... 

Pap Pap ❤️

Pumpkin patchin’

What do you know about 7 a.m. Nerf Wars 

Ready for school ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ““✏️


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