Bare butts and so much laundry

I hate waiting so long in between posts. I feel like I miss so many funny stories. I try to write them down but Its hard. Right now, Magnus and I are snuggled on the couch while Sheamus stands on the back of the reclined recliner, in just a T-shirt and undies, screaming and pounding on his chest. Saying how “ginat” he is. Yep, this thing is going down. Or someone is going to break a bone. At least the chair cushions the fall?🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Dryden’s Birthday was Saturday. It was one of the most low key, chill birthdays we have had. He had a friend over for a sleepover, and they were angels. Of course, all hell breaks loose between Logan and Dryden 20 minutes BEFORE his friend is due to leave. Name calling, wrestling and choke holds. So stupid. Over a T shirt. Because that’s what matters in an almost 13 year olds eyes. Uhhhh..... 🤔

We are in between sports, and crafting isn’t crazy right now, so I’m actually enjoying relaxing on the couch and growing this impressive Mom Belly. I. Can’t. Stop. Eating. And no matter if it’s crap or healthy, I feel like garbage after. So why not eat alllll the foods! 

Logan is currently grounded. M-W he is supposed to read for 15 minutes and summarize it in a small paragraph. Every week. Since school started. It’s nothing new. So we have a deal where, if he wants to do anything after school, he has to summarize his 15 minute readings, and then send me a picture of it so I can see that he A. Actually did the work. And B. Make sure it makes sense. Because 9/10 it’s a run on sentence with misspellings, and nonsense. When he does this and then goes to hang with the sweet dudes after school, he is to turn his volume alll the way up so he can hear if I’m calling him. Guess what he didn’t do Monday. Or Tuesday. Or check in to say “hey mom, I’m home from school. My homework is done so I’m going to go play basketball”. Or answer the phone. When I called 21 times. Literally. Nope. You don’t get to do what you want, when you want, and me not be able to get a hold of you. So, he hates me right about now. Oh, the life of a 12 year old is rough. 😏

Ryan and I officially bought our house Monday. It’s ours! And it’s been a process! But it’s worth it. We went on a date that night. Dinner and some Christmas shopping. I’m happy (and yes, bragging) to say that we are at least half way done! Wooottttt! 

Colder weather brings hoodies, which makes me happy. Ryan has a favorite one, and Magnus LOVES to pull on the strings. Ryan HATES it. So you can imagine that battle yesterday. Ryan even told Magnus that if he pulls his string again, he was hitting him with it. Magnus looked at him so sad, and about 2 minutes later, pulled on the string. He looks at him dead in his eye. Into his soul. This kid does not care! Even after getting hit with the string. Lol. He even did it AGAIN! It’s the best! At least now when it’s just hoodie strings. 😬 

This weekend coming is a busy one... Family Pictures, Trunk or Treat, Family Halloween fun! Plus Halloween Tuesday? Stay tuned for our Family Themed costumes! 🤗 yes all 7 of us are dressing up! I can’t wait. So Looking forward to it, and catching up on sleep..... hahahaha hahahaha.... I know, I know. A girl can dream. 

And now, I leave you with some dialogue between Ryan and Sheamus. I have laundry to catch up on and urine to clean up, you know, cuz Magnus peed in his undies and sweat pants. Ugh..... 

Sheamus  “Ah, my butt. Dad you hit my ball.”

Ryan “I hit what?” 

Sheamus “you hit my ball. My butt.

Say sorry”

Ryan “sorry”

Sheamus “Good boy daddy” 👏🏼☝🏻🎉

The Birthday Boy ❤️

Saturday Morning Shenanigans 

No words..... 🤣🤣🤣

When they give you the wrong name on your shirt.... you roll with it! Alias! Get it, Blake! 


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