
Showing posts from June, 2024

A helicopter ride and 82° in this house

I have to write this on my phone rather than the computer and it’s annoying me. I would much rather type on a computer keyboard than text a whole story. Bah. Oh well.  Life is calming down, and it’s nice to be able to make dinner, do laundry, complete projects in the house, etc. we start back up middle of July with All Star tournaments, vacation and football starting one after the other. I’m officially done with one class and have to finish another on Saturday. Then I only have one more before the Fall. It’s going so fast! I keep thinking that I can’t believe we are almost in July, and December will be here before I know it. That weekend will be amazing… JT comes to Pittsburgh that Saturday and I graduate from college the next day. It’ll be wild to think I’m graduating from college! At 41. And I’m going for sure. What a feat. And I’m going on and getting my Bachelors. Who knows, maybe I won’t stop there? Super grateful for my mans for plugging along with me and talking me down when I s

I went to see Lionel…

  Well, it's that time of the month where I almost have a nervous breakdown, and realize that I hadn't eaten for many hours, which didn't help the situation and that I could break down and cry... until I eat and lay down and I am all better. This was me last night, when I could NOT get PowerPoint to work for me. Turns out, the free trial that I registered for did not include all of the options I needed to complete what I needed to. I have had more computer related setbacks since transferring to YSU than I have had ever in my life. We are very techy people; I use Logan's old Chromebook when I needed to do anything, but it isn't compatible with 9/10 of the things I need to do. I was given a loner, but it doesn't have Microsoft office programs installed. I downloaded a free trial. NOPE! Thank GOD for my SIL Natalie for coming in to save the day. After going back and forth with the Professor regarding what I had uploaded and the problems associated with THAT, some t

If you ask a Mom for cereal…

Slacker... But not really... I have been so busy that the blog took a backseat to literally everything else. I made it a point to do it today, so I can make sure it is done and that I actually do it. Then I can cross it off the literal list. I celebrated my 41st birthday this past Friday. 40 seemed like nothing but I find it weird to say I am 41. I feel like I should have more of life figured out by now, but I am still waiting for a user's manual on how to adult and parent. I worked that day until 2:00, my bestie brought me lunch, went home to flowers, cake, chocolate-covered strawberries that Ryan made and family came over until we had to leave for baseball/softball games. It was rushed and hectic and fabulous and nothing out of our ordinary. The twins game ended in a win, one of the best games they played all season. I came home, put pajamas on and grabbed the laptop and my glasses to finish an assignment that was due. What a crazy night! Lol. I ALSO woke up the next morning arou