
Showing posts from November, 2017

Floodles. Yea, I made that up.

I can't believe it's November 30th. Tomorrow is December 1st! (Happy Birthday, Carmen!) December. And in a month from now, we will be moving into 2018!!!!! I know the saying is that Time is fleeting, but honestly, as I get older, and the kids are growing, it really does go fast. It's crazy how some days seem like they drag, like they will never end, like bedtime can't come soon enough, yet here we are. November 30th, 2017. I still feel like I'm in my 20s. To think that I have 5 kids, and that my oldest is now THIRTEEN.... it's mind boggling. Anyway.... Here is sit, on November 30th, at 8:30 at night, in silence. Sweet, sweet silence. Big Bang Theory is on, the Christmas Tree is lit, and I am scarfing Mom's pumpkin roll like it's going to turn bad in 30 seconds. Ryan and Braxton are at Dryden's first basketball game of the season (edited: they won 19-18! WOOOO!), and the babies are sleeping soundly. *Sigh* These moments are few and far between. Inse

A day with Magnus....

5:30a.m. Cue Loud Mouth Larry. Every. Effing. Morning. When will this kid learn to love sleep like the rest of us? And when I say "Why is Everyone Screaming", it's mainly because of him. As soon as he wakes up. Why does my household ALLLL have to be awake and romping around by 6:30? I don't even set an alarm to wake up in the mornings anymore, because I know that Magnus' loud mouth will be the alarm. He is NEVER quiet. He stands at the gate outside of their door and yells... "MOMMY! MOMMY! I. WANT. OUT!" And it's always in his deep smoker voice. "SHEAMUTH WAKE UP!!!!!" Poor Sheamus. He never gets to sleep in, even if he wants to. Ideally, we would go in the living room, put on cartoons and snuggle. But Noooooo... someone has to get into EVERYTHING, climb on tables, yell for MILK!!!! I so badly want to wake him up around 10:00p and ask for things and scream. But then he would think it was play time and want to stay up. And there'

Apple Slice Welts and Pissy Diet Coke

What is it about Mom and Dad's bed that makes it so appealing? At one point this morning, I had 4/5 of the kids in our bed, all before 7:30. If Dryden had been at the house, I know he would've snuck his way in too. ❤️ I remember when I was little,   We were only allowed to lay in our parents bed on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons, specifically, PeeWee Herman. LOL. But any other time, we were not allowed in their room, bed, nothing. I understand that it is a habit that you don't want to start, knowing first hand how hard it was getting my oldest out of my bed once I got married. But Braxton and the babies LOVE laying in our bed, even if its just to lay and watch those God awful videos on YouTube. Braxton has finally broken the habit of wanting to sleep with us every night, and will only sneak in every once in a while. The babies have NEVER been allowed in bed with us, unless its under dire circumstances like the other one is sick or something. But its like once its