
Showing posts from October, 2017

Bare butts and so much laundry

I hate waiting so long in between posts. I feel like I miss so many funny stories. I try to write them down but Its hard. Right now, Magnus and I are snuggled on the couch while  Sheamus stands on the back of the reclined recliner, in just a T-shirt and undies, screaming and pounding on his chest. Saying how “ginat” he is. Yep, this thing is going down. Or someone is going to break a bone. At least the chair cushions the fall?🤷🏻‍♀️  Dryden’s Birthday was Saturday. It was one of the most low key, chill birthdays we have had. He had a friend over for a sleepover, and they were angels. Of course, all hell breaks loose between Logan and Dryden 20 minutes BEFORE his friend is due to leave. Name calling, wrestling and choke holds. So stupid. Over a T shirt. Because that’s what matters in an almost 13 year olds eyes. Uhhhh..... 🤔 We are in between sports, and crafting isn’t crazy right now, so I’m actually enjoying relaxing on the couch and growing this impressive Mom Belly. I. Can’t. Stop

Blogging from a Bubble Bath

Image’s been one of those days....  The kind of day where you feel like the smallest things are ticking away at you, and you are one more “Sarah/Mom/Babe” away from completely melting into the floor. And to top it off, there’s a status going around FB, promoting awareness (in light of this whole Harvey Weinstein bullshit) to sexual harassment/misconduct/assault in women. Women who aren’t actresses, but every day people. It’s eye opening. And painful. No matter if it was something said inappropriately, or the full enchilada of assault/molestation/rape, it’s crazy to think of how many endured and overcame it. It’s heart warming to know you aren’t alone, in whatever aspect it was, but sad at the same time, to think that this is something we have all had to get over. Fuck those people who have made us feel any type of way other than happy. In the words of Celia Rae Foote, “ You know what I’d do if I were you? I’d give it right back to him. I’d hit him over the head with a skillet and I’

To our sweet Alfie....

Wow. So much has happened in a little over a week, that I do not know where to begin. In our life, our country, our World.... a week seems like such a short amount of time, but good God can it be packed full of ups and downs, roller coasters of emotions, and anything this Universe can dish up. So, I guess I'll start with this..... For those that read this, know that I will strive to always bring happiness, laughter, and encouragement. I know it sounds cliché and 70's, but our world seriously needs more LOVE, more hugs and more laughter. It seems things are taken WAY to serious, mountains made of mole hills, and feelings hurt over piddly stuff. Even on bad days, when you have to put your Old Man dog down, to spare his body any more pain, there is still fun and silliness, especially in the eyes and actions of a couple of 2 1/2 year olds. While I sobbed the entire way home, which is something I RARELY do, I came home to arms wide open, smiles happy to see me, oblivious to the