
Showing posts from August, 2024

2 degrees, who dis?

I saw a Tiktok or Reel the other day that said "Is it just me or does anyone else keep telling themselves 'we just have to get through these next couple of weeks and things should ease up a bit' but you've been telling yourself that for the last two years with no end in sight? Or is it just me?" and I feel like that is just a small glimpse into our lives. Lol. Our schedule is jam packed with activities and school starting, and do not get me started on the financial side of life and the "it's always something" doom cloud that makes it near impossible to stay afloat.  August 21st  is the first day of school... The first day of Dryden's senior year. I keep waiting for Newbrough photo to share his Senior banner picture on their website so I can obsess over it and ogle at the fact that he was 2 when his Dad and I got together, and he is now entering his Senior year. He has grown so much, as a person, as an athlete and as a young man. He has his father

Get it together, Smalls!

 Uggghh.. I have been neglecting my duties, and it's felt weird not writing my thoughts down. At the same time, it is probably better that I haven't. They are all over the place recently, especially since my last blog. It just seems that since then, no matter what, some kind of rain seems to cloud us, and we can't escape it. I am truly hoping that with the new month and a full schedule, we will be too busy to even be involved in any of it.  We went to Hilton Head for vacation the week of July 15. The good days were great, we swam a lot, ate great meals, hung out with family and slept in (some). We had a family of deer that would visit our house every day, eat out of the kids' hands and let them pet their heads and back. It was the coolest thing I have seen in a while; never have I witnessed almost domesticated deer. They were from all walks of life: bucks, does and fawns still with their spots. They loved our house... all of the croissants, apples and carrots they could