
Showing posts from January, 2024

One week, but feels like a month

 January... it's been such a long year already. It is the longest month of the year. It definitely feels like it's been monthS long itself, and the shit just keeps piling on. 😮‍💨   We have had a packed week, I don't even know where to begin. And I honestly don't know if you reading this even really care to hear about it...  But it is cathartic for me to get it out, so bare with me, or tune in next week. Maybe it will be better reading. I don't know. LOL.    We had basketball 🏀 this past week, just like the week before and next week! The twins had a game on Tuesday and Thursday and we were missing one of our better players Tuesday. This made a difference in the team performance. And BOY did it make a difference on Sheamus' mentality. 😡 He is SO HARD on himself and let the other team get in his head, past the point of being able to talk any sense in to him. It was so frustrating, and we would have pulled him from the game altogether, however it would've on

Disability Schmisability

Hellooooo.. and welcome back to this crazy life that we live! We made it another week, and everyone is still alive, 🙌🏻 so I call that a win! We had 5 basketball games this past week with a wrestling tournament sprinkled in. 🏀🤼‍♀️ Poor guy got the stomach flu the morning of his second day. Needless to say, he lost his match and has been in bed ever since he came home. Hoping for a contained virus and a quick recovery. He's been down since Saturday and it's not like him to just hang out. Between Boop and the twins, we won all 5 games, one resulting in a forfeit for the other team only having one player show up. Boop has grown so much as a player since last year, has become much more basketball savvy and aggressive. Sheamus is following along in his footsteps, and is almost too invested and Magnus is just happy to be there. He didn't get much playing time in the second game, but he did make a basket and he "stuffed a kid", which was the talk of the house for the

Lazy days…

    Its Monday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and the kids are off school. This is the first time I’ve ever had this day off of work with taking a paid day off. Yet another reason why making my career change has been such a blessing.      We had a mildly busy weekend; nothing like we’ve had before. Basketball practice Friday evening, a wrestling tournament all day with basketball games Saturday afternoon and a small family birthday party yesterday. Dryden took 2nd place in his tournament, with 3 pins to get him to the final. Braxton scored 12 points in his first game but lost. He played good defensively in his second game but didn’t score much. They won. Yay! Our Logan also went back to college yesterday, so most of the day was spent getting everything ready. He starts baseball almost immediately, so we had to make sure he had everything he would need, as he won’t be back home for a whillleee. So we have planned out what games we can watch and submitted our requests to work. Here’s hopi

I'm back, baby!

Guess who's back... back again...  Not sure if I am doing this as an outlet, as an escape or as a new avenue in life, but here we are! Happy 2024! It looks like I haven't written anything in 3 years. That's a LOT of time with a LOT of happenings in between.  A brief overview... still married, going on 12 years and 15 years together with my Ryan. Our oldest is 19, in his second semester at college getting ready to start his first collegiate baseball season. Second up is 17, in his junior year of high school and has become a wrestler. He is in the middle of his second season and so far has a winning record. Yay! Third and middle is 12, in 6th grade and now in the Jr./Sr. High school. He is starting to change, and we aren't thrilled with him growing up in front of our eyes. While he is still a little boy in some aspects, he is turning in to a young man and the best person. Last are the twins, who will be 9 in 2 short weeks. NINE. Our babies, our little baby birds who came