
Showing posts from January, 2018

I hate myself today....

I hate myself today.... I hate the person I’ve been. I have tried to check myself and make myself get out of this funk, but I just seemed to sink right back in.  I got to sleep in, so it’s not from being tired. I got to bath. Alone. And wash my hair AND shave my legs. I got to relax while the babies took a nap, and the older kids kept quietly to themselves in the Rec room. I got to fix my hair. I barely had to cook. So why, why, why, was I such a Bitch today? Why was I so mean? So defensive? So short, and nasty? Now that the day is done, I hate myself. I hated myself a few different times today, but right now, I really hate myself.  I got mad when the twins put cars or little men or crackers  in my drink, like it’s anything new. Over and over. Because they think it’s hilarious. I was SO annoyed when the older 2 kept asking me where stuff was so they could go sled riding for a little while. I was LIVID when Bane ate my boot. I picked a fight with my husband while I folded laundry becaus

Tamiflu for Everyone!!!!

January 4, 2018.... Let that sink in a bit. 2018. (I don't feel like I'm old enough to be 34; I still feel like it's 2001.) According my WTForecast app, it is currently 13* outside, but feels like -4*. Tomorrow is looking to be even colder, and schools are already canceling. Our kids had a delay for the cold yesterday, so I'm anxious to see if they will delay again tomorrow. A lot of area schools have canceled school and any extra-curricular activities until Monday. And not because of snow. But, because of cold. the COLD! This is crazy! I don't remember it being this way when I was young, but then again, we also had it easy and didn't have to walk uphill in feet of snow with no shoes on. 😏 I noticed it had been a good month since I last posted. I knew it had been a while, but didn't realize it was a whole month. I don't know how some people blog, or vlog, so frequently. I feel like I would have to have my camera or app open at all times to make sure I