
Showing posts from January, 2021


Guys.... I haven’t blogged in almost 18 months. Yes, life has been crazy, but I just didn’t seem to have the want to. I would think about it, and try to make it a point to, but then I would come home from work, and then there were these humans that needed me, and then bedtime, and I’m just real tired all the time. So my resolution this year is to try harder. Post more. Make a better effort.  So, 2020 huh? Amiright? So much has happened. I can’t even put it all into words. There’s been some terrible, awful, but then some amazing. A freaking ongoing global pandemic. Murder hornets. (Was that even real?) 🤔🧐  Tiger King. (Definitely real.🐯) Many free days due to canceled sports seasons. Canceled trips. And concerts. Lots of Netflix. Lots of online shopping. Holiday celebrations canceled. But so much low key energy. Many, many TikToks. No school. Quarantined Vacation. Down time with the most important people in our lives. And Oh LORD, the babies are coming!!!!!!  We were fortunate enough