
Showing posts from March, 2018

... all before 7:30...

This morning has been quite eventful. Sheamus has been going off and on with a stomach bug, where he will get sick to his stomach once, and then be fine. Have a messy diaper, then be fine. It’s the weirdest thing.  So this morning, they’re up by 6:00a. He keeps saying his belly hurts but says he doesn’t have to “choke”. His gas is horrid. So I figure that’s it. Magnus is playing and says he needs to pee. He depants, and goes on the potty! Yay! I tell him no diaper today, put his pants back on and say that if he has to go potty, let us know so he can go like a big boy!  (I should preface this next part with a backstory. Magnus HATES pooping. Hates it. He won’t go for days, and when he does, everything stops, he “doesn’t like it” until he’s done. Repeats it over and over. But when he’s done, it’s a relief and he’s as happy as ever. But during those few minutes, it’s intense and he hates everything and everyone. He doesn’t want to talk about it, or anything else for that matter.