I made myself a waffle And sat down with my tea My middle child came in Said “do you have one for me” Moments before I sat down, I asked if he would rather have waffles or toast He said he wanted toast and milk I should’ve known, for waffles he likes most The twins wanted waffles also And Dryden toast, per the norm If only I had known that making what they asked for would turn into a shit storm I presented the twins with their breakfast “I don’t yike waffles!” They exclaimed. “Mom he’s taking my toast” Braxton said, To which I tried to explain. “You asked for waffles, I don’t understand. That’s Braxton’s toast that he asked for” “No! I don’t want it, I want toast!” Waffles, meet the floor. Seconds later, Braxton starts whining, that he has a sore in his mouth. The twins are writhing on the floor This breakfast sure went south. “This toast is hurting. Can I have waffles?” Great.... there aren’t anymore....